Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jova Radevska
Multifaceted artist, composer, producer, and engineer
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I'm a certified content marketer and copywriter, as well writer, editor.
I have produced and engineered multiple tracks that got worldwide recognision
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I play Piano since my childhood ( 14 years old ). I got the professional certificate. I teach teenagers to learn piano. Since 8 months, I teach young people to learn musical producing. During 10 years I play concerts around Switzerland / France and Portugal. After this I create a album I sold 3000 of them.
GRAMMY Award winning artist and producer. Professional session singer and songwriter.
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Mix, master, production. groovy stuff. Nice I could pick my own name from artists database here, when they asked “which known artists’ sound do you specialize in?”
I'm a good guitarist, but a better hang.
Recent Successes
"Super fast turnaround and quick response to comments too, great job, thanks John!"
"Etienne amazingly mixed and arranged my track, he understood from the very beginning what I wanted to achieve with my song and made it sound exactly the way I wanted. I work with many different vocal technique (Opera,..."
"An amazing singer! Went above and beyond the call of duty and delivered great sounding tracks on a quick turnaround. Super friendly and professional in every way! Many thanks. "
"Excellent communication and very talented. Our project came out better than expected, and on time."
"I had a great experience working with Jonas on a very complex track. He was super attentive and worked on every detail. Super organized and clear on communication, I highly recommend Jonas to anyone who wants to do a ..."
"Nick has been fantastic to work with. Great communication and easy going nature made it a very relaxed and productive work flow. Recommended."
"Very skilful and professional beginning to end. Will collaborate soon again 100%"
"Amazing work! Caslow communicates really well and works very quickly. Extremely understanding of the client’s needs "
"Shamain is quite simply a dream to work with she is attentive understanding and meticulous with the detail. The lady has got so much soul and creativity. I'm almost sorry our job had to end but soooo happy with the vo..."
"Very professional and super easy to work with. Quick turnaround and good communication. He came through with exactly what I was seeking in no time flat...great working with him."
"Wooow!!! What an incredible voice - Great communication & high quality - SPOT ON! "
"Great singer, nice tone, good communication, recommended!"