Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Josh Friedman
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Inverse Studios is a artist development company which helps up coming or established artists with all their creative needs. By maintaining the integrity of music by using the highest quality of sound production. We will take care of your project like it's our own.
My Name is Mosiah and I've been producing music for 5yrs. I make tracks and do reggae/dancehall vocals. However I'm not tied to one genre i also make hip hop and dance tracks. I fit wherever I can in a project and am flexible enough to work with almost any artist.
Was born and raised in Lagos Nigeria. Studied Computer Engineering Programming all his life... Even before he could spell his names right! cracked-down by a sudden interest for Music Programming / Sound Engineering, now living it with his time, worked on so many projects including projects with A-List Artists and names and Global Brands.
Antonio Fernandez has a unique skillset as a beatboxer, singer, and music producer which sets him apart as a world-class artist and producer. With a natural propensity towards vocal artistry, Antonio incorporates a refreshing blend of human and machine.
I'm a songwriter, recording artist, and R&B singer
I'm Eugene, a highly qualified/experienced Singapore-based multi-instrumentalist down to lay tracks for you! If you want organic sounds for your music that are played live at a high level instead of sequenced or programmed, I offer recording of multiple instruments to help you save on the costs of approaching numerous artistes. Let's get to work!
Specialist in merging flamenco
Recent Successes
"Ilya mixed and mastered two of my songs, which included orchestras and vocals. I am very satisfied with his work. He was extremely precise and attentive to detail. He was very available and I am certain that I would l..."
"Cameron has an amazing and versatile voice! I definitely recommend him to anyone looking for a male vocalist. Looking forward to working with him again!"
"Another track done with Austin. Good result, professional sounding, good communicaton and awesome fast delivering. Give him information on what you want, and he nails it the first time. Really recommend this guy! Alwa..."
"Natalie has a great voice, and style! I highly recommend her for any pop vocals that you need! "
"Second song together ! This guy is awesome ! We’ll work more for sure 🔥❤️"
"Incredible voice and talent as a song writer. Andrew is a tireless worker and a wonderful person. Your song will become a hit if he helps you sing."
"I've tried out various mixers and Jacob is by far one of the best! He delivers a really solid track and is very friendly/easy to work with! Would recommend!"
"I really loved and am grateful to have worked with Simon. He is a complete genius producer!! Don’t believe me? Try working with him. He brought some incredible ideas to my song. He is incredibly communicative, respon..."
"Dan was amazing as always!"
"Dave is a top-flight professional. I always recieve brilliant musicianship and excellent sounds when collaborating with Dave."