Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Josh Blacc
🥇 Multiple No.1 Singles 🥇 Album Of The Year Award. BBC Song Of The Week! Professionally Trained, 15 years Experience.
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Since 1997 hundreds of artists, ranging from international heavy weights to start-up projects, have recorded, mixed and/or mastered their work at The Wave Lab, NYC. They select The Wave Lab, NYC for its world class quality, cozy relaxed environment and extremely reasonable rates.
Alicia Levi is a music-vocal producer, keyboard player & songwriter from The Netherlands mainly active in R&B, Hip Hop & Pop. She attended the Rotterdam Conservatory of Music and signed to Universal. Levi's instrumentals have been sold to different artists worldwide and featured on tv-shows like 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' & 'Hollywood Exes'
Award-winning Stereo and Dolby Atmos mixing+mastering. Hundreds of millions of streams, top playlist positions in Pop, Indie, and Rock as well as many #1's around the world. Unlimited free revisions on mixes.
world acclaimed music producer/remixer/composer music aired on bbc radio 1,signed to gremmy nominee todd terrys inhouse label, 2014 uk winner of the corona sunsets producer championships
Los Angeles based session guitarist that has played for artists such as Jamie Jones from All 4 One, Rebecca Black, and has opened for The Killers with Felice Lazae.
Kfir Gov is an internationally awarded Music Producer/Mixer/Artist, lead singer of the EDM/Rock band - "Seek Irony", signed to Silver Lining Music/Warner Music Group, and the owner of Evil Snail Studios in Austin, TX. Kfir is also the head teacher of the "Advanced Music Production and Mixing" class at The Recording Conservatory of Austin.
Looking for other EDM like-minded souls.
Recent Successes
"Really nail it! Give us more than we expected. A pleasure to work with. "
"Awesome producer with clever ideas. Very nice to work with, "
"I've worked with Leo before, and just as before, he dropped very tasteful tracks that fit exactly what my song needs. He does a great job of making sure his tracks support your music."
"Super fast turnaround. Did a great job of creating a great balance of clean, professional sound with that raw grittiness i love, as an old school hip hop producer. Also did some really nice extra work to the beat tha..."
"Open minded, creative, strony feeling of the vibe."
"The talent he has is already well known but the work ethic is second to none. It’s what set him apart for the rest and allows him to understand every artist’s unique vision and goals, working with them until it’s real..."
"My collaborator said it well: A good bass player is worth their weight in gold! Sean hit it on the nose the first time, and still sent a variety of options to choose from with a blazing fast turnaround. "
"It was an absolute pleasure to meet and collaborate with Kelley. She is a true musical artist who knows exactly how to make a track shine. Her voice is simply incredible and deeply moving. Definitely worth working wit..."