Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joseph Belsher
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, producer, arranger, mixer, and songwriter. I can take your idea or half written song and bring it into fruition. I have a strong sensibility for detail and melody.
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Welcome to all who have entered my realm. My name is VerseAll. I am a producer, blogger, music engineer, dj, and remixes from New York City. I specialize in Boom Bap, Soul, Experimental, and Jazz Hop.
Been working under some of the industry tops for years (Borza Mastering, Howie Weinberg Mastering) so I have learned a thing or two about the craft. Message me your project details!
Multi-instrumentista con beats personalizados y gran conocimiento en géneros Pop/Rock/Urbanos del momento.
I specialize in styles like rock and metal music, which are my personal musical influences.
If you need honest work for less money, you should consider me! I have been singing and songwriting since I was 15. Now that I have been taught by industry professionals in Birmingham City University, I am confident that I can make your recorded music sound the best it can!
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Remote drum tracking for artists including Jimmy Barnes, Russell Morris. Produce, track and mix your projects, including live drums and band if required.
Hi, I'm Marian. Singer and songwriter with more than 6 years of experience, composing songs in English and Spanish. My favorite genres to create are Pop, EDM and R&B.
Recent Successes
"I totally recommend Vintage Division hands down! Throughout the entire project (mixing and mastering one of my track) Paul was friendly, efficient, skilled and reactive to my requests. His main priority was to ensure..."
"We really enjoyed working with Brian! He was very patient with our many requests and brought a lot of his own style to the songs, really giving them a modern feel. Great experience!"
"i m french I am happy very fast effective thank you"
"TLDR: Save yourself some time and just hire Arthur for your next mix/master, this man is a MONSTER ! Just finished 3rd single with Arthur and its definetely not the last one. I have worked with many mixers through ..."
"Rosebud just put her heart and soul into one of my favorite songs that I have written and did it with the passion the song deserved. What else can I say, LOVE HER!!!!!"
"I was most pleased with Chevlin's crafting and his professionalism. The mushy tracks that I sent came back with spark and clarity. We were challenged by living in very different time zones, near opposite, but Chev..."
"Incredible work from Yoed! The cello lines were brilliant and he even spent some time improvising some beautiful lines that were not asked for, mulitple options, and effects...really pleased with the quality of the w..."
"Andres provided some excellent feedback on my mixes and I am grateful for his willingness to help and keen insights! Thank you!"