Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jon Payne
The Clinic is a duo of Jacob Muniz and Jarred De Salme, who collectively have more than 15 years in music experience with mixing, mastering, and producing, and are looking to help artists, producers, and musicians better themselves and their music so that each can take that next step in their career.
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Hello we are Blaq Tuxedo! Grammy nominated production & songwriting team. We are from Sacramento,Ca and based in Los Angeles. We've worked with acts such as Chris Brown, Meek Mill, The Rej3ctz, Sage the Gemini, August Alsina, Ciara, Omarion, TGT, Tank, New Boyz, Justine Sky
Not just a guitar part. Carefully and creatively-crafted arrangements that will bring your song to the next level.
An independent storyteller who uses a unique blend of smoky and enchanting vocals as well as smooth vocal arrangements. I've learned from performing and working with legends to be quick and precise.
Rap, trap
Sound-Prodecer, Sound-Designer
As an artist, I'm a worldbuilder. My songs are a combination of me as a singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, literature lover and communicator.
Mix and mastering
Recent Successes
"This time it's perfect!"
"Great experience working with bc. Easy and professional to work with. Would definitely recommend"
"For every song I've done with Yoed I'm 110% sure that none of them would have come out even remotely as dynamic and beautiful if I didn't hire him. I'm beyond grateful to have access to such an incredible talent only ..."
"Professional, responsive, flexible, enthusiastic, no ego. I could not imagine a better experience for the piano and the three tracks I need it for my americana song. Also, paraphrase Marty DiBergi, Michael knocked me ..."
"Once again Simon knocked it out of the park! He consistently delivers great material and is always responsive and very efficient."
"Very attentive, good communication and great at turning the notes and feedback into a quality and professional final product, which in this case was an EP of solo piano pieces. "
"Timo was incredibly generous with his knowledge and feedback, and my consultation with him helped give me renewed confidence in my productions. He was also extremely professional and was timely in his responses. Thank..."
"Maiku did an AMAZING job with a song in Japanese language. Very professional and quick turnaround. I highly recommend!"