Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John R. Hoffman
I specialize in creating emotionally gut wrenching masterpieces that belong to (but aren’t limited to) the singer songwriter genre.
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Main speciality is Mixing Records. Our main reference is Manny Marroquin. We're a Music Studio with a team of some of the best Portuguese musicians working worldwide with our prices lower than US or UK's. Reach us for feedback on your work and for budgets. We handle all kind of work. From scratch to the finishing touches.
Hi my name is Flo from Sun Productions Leipzig.
Mixing engineer based in Kingston Jamaica
Changing the face of Audio Engineers in the tech industry using Music Technology, Creative Media, Realism, Individualism, Empowerment and Protools.
Best beats in the game
Worked with DJOKO, YSY A & More. I'm an electronic music producer and mix engineer with +7 years of experience in the industry's highest quality standards.
I love to surprise with my music which often confuses and surprises. My style is unique and recognizable. The emotions are intense and the images immediately live in the mind. I have received many awards for my music by participating in numerous film festivals in many countries around the world. I'm very true to myself and I avoid imitating anyone.
I am a creative-minded producer, mixer, songwriter & multi-instrumentalist specialized in working with singer-songwriters, indie, folk, jazz and rock artists. I love songwriting, vocal harmonies, and guitar arranging. If you're ready to transform your musical ideas into a work of art, let's have a conversation and bring your vision to life.
Recent Successes
"I approached Boulevard for the final master of my song. The result was great and they added that final polish that was needed for the song. Great to work with, and I hope to do so again soon ! "
"Sarah did a great job mastering and improving the tracks. Definitely will be using her again."
"Carlo is a fantastic mastering engineer! Will be working with him again."
"Pleasure to work with Roy! Very responsive and understood my needs!"
"Daniel is so patient with me eve after 1 million revisions… He knows that it’s not done until the client says it’s done! And he’s very professional about it. At the end of the project I couldn’t figure out what to do ..."
"Alex has an incredibly unique sound when it comes to percussion. This is my third project with him on a song which is in an Indian language and style but despite the different language and style it amazes me how Alex ..."
"Yoanna was an absolute dream. She provided a professional performance for my track and also added her personal touch to it, making it even better. I definetly reccomend, fantastic artist and unique voice, easy to comm..."
"Greatest engineer I’ve ever worked with."
"Great at communicating, is thorough and very nice. I like that he challenge my thoughts, but also respects my creative decisions. I have worked with him before, and will do it again. "