Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Honningford
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Kamil Jędralski - Music Producer, Audio Engineer.
I'm good at producing, arranging, mixing & mastering.
I take your music and make it sound like you, and enhance it sonically so that the mix conveys emotion
I can play/record anything on the violin/viola (and cello.)
I am an Audio Engineer, I have a bachelors degree and have been working towards music since the age of 12, I can Mix & Master, I have worked on game sounds. I know my way around a 5.1 mix creating surround sound. I have made many songs and helped produce other artists songs, I create beats to any genre. I have helped record ensembles and bands.
Reggae Dancehall Artist
I'm a 3D generalist designer creating thrilling visuals for your tracks. Currently based in Colombia and focused on narrative and stunning graphics 🔮
i have made almost ever well known genre known to man, i have worked with different big artist and willing to work with more...
Recent Successes
"Larry gets the job done in a professional and effective way."
"You will be extremely happy working with Markiss! He is definitely worth it, don’t hesitate to work with him. He helped me get two of my tracks signed, one with Spinnin’ Records and one with STMPD. He’s been in the sc..."
"Wow! Tears swelled in my eyes when I listened to the instrumental version of our finished product. Kevin did an excellent job executing the vision for my company's jingle! We had a deadline and he did his best to h..."
"They are very kind and polite, and I had a pleasant exchange with them. I hope to have the opportunity to do it again."
"Kyle is an awesome dude! Easy to work with super honest and patient! Do not hesitate to work with Kyle... Thanks Brother. Jamie"
"Philip did another amazing stem mastering/mixing for me! So happy with the results. Thank you "
"Thank you so much Killian for being able to understand me so easily and create something so beautiful and thank you for making me feel confident and believe in myself more. It has been really great working with you an..."
"Elliot is the KING at mastering - he nails it every time and always has the best attitude in the game!!! work with this man!!!!"