Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Baumann
fine tuning mixes and transfer to master formats
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Clients released on Nervous records, Juicy Music, SL Records and much more. Audio Engineering (Mixing & Mastering). Music Producer. Latin Grammys nominee under the Tropical Fusion Category for the album "Afronauta". My specialty is Electronic Music and Latin Urban
It is always my goal to serve the artist, serve the song, and serve the music, and help you get mixes & productions that sound and feel amazing. I believe every part of the production, from arrangement, performance, and recording, right through the mix and final master, should be an extension of the emotion of the song and the artist's vision.
I am a DJ with more than 16 year of experience in weddings, birthdays, events... I make some EDM Productions too.
Sine Sound Mastering offers professional music mastering and mixing, with special expertise in electronic music. Collaborators and credits include Future Classic, Noisia and Symphonic Distribution. No nonsense, cutting edge and world-class quality only.
A lover of music of all kinds, Shehrose uses his autodidactic skills to adapt to all sorts of musical situations as a composer, performer, and audio engineer. And owing to his empathetic nature, he'd rather help others most of the time. Shoot him a message, and he'll see how he may be able to help or advise.
Graduated in electronic music and student of music composition.
Beats, Trap and Underground Rap mixing specialist
Recent Successes
"Great singer, followed directions, hope to work with Aika again on a future project!"
"Daniel is an absolute gentleman. He goes so far above and beyond for you. Couldn’t recommend highly enough. "
"It was nice working with Undy. She took feedback well and have me a couple options to choose from which was great."
"Shelley did a wonderful job very fast delivery and perfect quality and here voice is really amazing.I can emplane Shelley to everyone top proffesionel 5 Stars"
"Dan is AMAZING. Absolutely murdered the track. Fiddle and banjo parts were so on point, no revisions or edits were necessary. Dan kills it. Seriously hire him. "
"One of the most awesome humans on this planet. It’s like he can read into your musical soul and knows exactly the direction your attempting to go this guy is the real deal .!!! Love Brandon Amd his work is beyond be..."
"Malik: The Maestro of Unique and Otherworldly Funky Guitar Licks! Working with Malik on my new tune was an experience beyond my wildest expectations. His unique and cool licks took my composition to a whole new level ..."
"She's such a professional. It was perfect and her voice is so cool. It was a pleasure to work with.🥰"