Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joana Margaça
Hello! I’m Dinis Cabral, a drummer from Portugal specialized in jazz, fusion, rock, and pop music.
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By 2010 Vicky became resident Dj in most of Beirut’s Bars and Clubs and by 2013 she moved to Dubai where she currently hosts many prestigious residencies and shared decks with some of the highly established names in the international scene.
Let's work together!!!
Mixing and mastering services. More than 15 years of experience.
I will record studio quality, beautiful arranged cello parts remotely. I can improvise over, play along with, or read any part you need.
My job is to make your music connect with the consumer. I am voting member of the Grammy Association / Recording academy. I have been in the music business for over 40 years. I experienced the music industry and music production when they were at their peaks. I know what hit recordings are supposed to sound like.
We've produced songs for a top artist in France named Jok'Air. We mostly produce Hip Hop, Trap, R&B, Afro and Pop. We are a group that is looking foward to work with various artist. We will bring our A game for anyone that has needs.
If you've got great music with no words, I've got great words with no music.
Are you looking for a songwriter who can bring your music to life? Look no further! I have a keen ear for melody and a knack for crafting catchy lyrics that connect with audiences. My style ranges from Hip Hop to Pop to R&B. Let's collaborate and create something truly special together!
Recent Successes
"Simply outstanding. Grasped the idea immediately and translated it exactly into the type, rhythm, and richness of the song I had set out to build. Great communicator and totally open minded to feedback. Key is that c..."
"Lacie is super talented and consistent not to mention her ability to deliver radio Ready vocals. I plan on working with her on a lot of my songs check her out you won't be disappointed "
"Very quick turnaround with quality stems delivered. Went above and beyond"
"A bona fide pop hit! Another splendid topline- our 6th song together. I’m running out of superlatives for Llynks 😉 Immense talent. Heavenly voice. Super creative with melodies and writes lyrics with substance. Highly..."
"Firstly, a very human and helpful approach, Secondly, very suitable for a specific song or music. Reuben is a top class master. Pure pleasure of working with. Best regards !"
"Austin is a fantastic find, I feel lucky to have worked with him. He's extremely talented and knew exactly what I meant when I had a vague concept for a specific sound. The price for what you get out of it is unmatche..."
"Heidi is a fantastic singer with great range and a professional yet creative approach to her work. She took the brief and delivered great material for the track that involved translation and working / voicing multipl..."
"A great experience working with Martin, good value for money and attention to details. Constructive criticism and advice while also allowing me artistic freedom. Communication is on point and very quick response times..."
"Chuck always makes me want to get up and dance with his rhythm tracks! Always inspiring and fun. "