Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JK JOHNS
I’m a multi-instrumentalist producer, singer, & songwriter passionate about creating something sonically unique, beautiful, & commercially accessible.
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Remember it is all about the music; don’t sell all of your hard work short.
I'm a recording/mix/mastering engineer with 15 years of experience in studio and television work at the highest level. Have two higher education, specializing in sound engineering and arrangement of computer music. Now are the owner studio and online mixing, mastering and audio post-production services vkayproduction.com.
Hi! I'm Phil, a stereo and Dolby Atmos mixer based in North of France. I'm owner at Audioblend Studio. I have a +15 years experience and have worked with international artists like Reverie, Merty Shango, sarasara, Eddy De Pretto, Sofiane Pamart, Ours Samplus, Ladaniva... Send me your demos and I'll tell you what I can do to make it better.
I found my lane & hit the cruise control!
Transforming soundscapes into sonic masterpieces - one track at a time.
E-Commissaire-Aux-Apports : Votre Commissaire aux Apports En Ligne, Simple & Rapide, Certifié, En 72H Maximum, Dès 949 € HT !
Here to define your sound.
Recent Successes
"He is amazing to work with and very talented. I've given him what I think are some pretty interesting parts that wouldn't typically be in a 'pop' song and he makes it all work! Super easy to work with and great commu..."
"I never thought my own music could sound *this good… Mike took my track from demo quality to Radio quality. Mike Butler’s *mixes are *NEXT *LEVEL. "
"Marc Mennigman is pro through and through - he is extremely thoughtful and efficient, and he guided me through his process every step of the way. Marc is definitely the way to go if you're looking for affordable and ..."
"Andrijana is a gifted singer with a wonderful passionate sultry solo voice and an astute musician with her vocal harmonies!! It's been a pleasure working with her!!! Thank you Andrijana!!! "
"Stefan is a joy to work with! He is masterful at his craft and he’s very open to your ideas and creative vision. I will definitely be working with Stefan again!!!!!"
"Jordan helped me bring my vision to life and create exactly what I wanted. An awesome producer and great communicator. Thanks Jordan! "
"I can sum up working with Riley in a word: FUN!!!"
"Another great collaboration with Kilian – always a pleasure to work together. The track is sounding great and he takes it to a whole other level. Looking forward to the next one.!"