Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jez Bonham
High quality R&B/funk/soul/jazzy guitar tracks with an unlimited amount of revisions and quick turnaround time - I don't want to stop unless you are satisfied!
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Looking to work with talented artists, producers and songwriters. Contact me for special deals or offers.
Award winning singer and songwriter with a big voice, solid range, that can deliver emotive, expressive vocals, that both soar and hit rock solid.
Master Of Many Musical Trades: Composition, Arrangements, Production (Ableton), Synthesizers, MaxMSP; plus multi-instrumentalist (trombone, trumpet, flute, piano, organ, exotic percussion, others). Also plenty of videography and live video manipulation experience.
Professional East African drums, percussion and string instruments recording / Sound mixing
Professional Corporate and Touring Audio Engineer with studio experience.
Authentic and genuine songwriting, unique beatmaker, and mighty emcee!
Hi! I am a singer-songwriter, lyricist, producer, guitarist, arranger, mixing engineer and creative.
Producer | Songwriter | Atmos | Mastering
Recent Successes
"Eduard did an awesome job on my latest track. Highly recommend him for anyone who is in need of mastering."
"Camilo help me finish my song that was on a tight timeline. He gave it a very nice warm sound and packaged it up ready as a song... He added a sparkle to it. Thank You :-)"
"simply one of the cleanest singers out there! great turn around time and super nice person."
"Soon our creations will be storming up the charts. That’s how good Gaby is. I salute her and thank her. Always in awe. Mel "
"I had an excellent session with Jorge, who patiently showed me how to better use my Nux MG-30."
"Jason "thunderfoot" Meekins nailed the groove I was looking in one take. He was very in tune with the vibe I was aching for. He said he was happy to make any adjustments if need be...did not need to. He is a total ..."