Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jesse Manibusan
Over 200 album credits and thousands of songs, Pianist / Keyboardist / Producer / Arranger / Mix and Mastering Engineer, Don Turney is your Secret Weapon for any style project. Conservatory 7'6" Yamaha Disklavier Piano in house.
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Let me help you translate what's in your head to music.
Grammy-nominated mixing engineer based in New York
Our north is to provide you with the best tools for success
I'm a professional and experienced self-taught mixing and mastering engineer with 10 years of experience, I will polish your records and make sure the best quality work is delivered.
We are musicians and we know how difficult it is to get a quality product at a good price.
Since 2014, I've established myself as a respected musician & producer. I've been involved in multiple genres of music from Pop, Acoustic, Classical, Choral, and Metal. If you're looking to polish and elevate your sound, contact me and lets get started!
The goal is to enhance clarity, depth, and dynamics while maintaining the artist's intended vision.
Recent Successes
"Nick was very professional,he answers very quickly to our request by sending out exactly what we needed, his voice and interpretation fit perfectly with our project !"
"Christian is easy-going, and an absolute pleasure to work with! I can't recommend him enough!! Thank you, Christian!"
"Probably the third or fourth time working with Guy and he always delivers! 🙌🏾 I always feel compelled to leave a review every single time. Super thankful to be able to use his talents."
"If you have a project that's not going anywhere. I would suggest that you check out Marco Lepo. Very creative and understanding of complex issues."
"If you want your songs to inspire you like never before, and fill you with inspiration and motivation along your music journey, get them mixed by Darrell. I feel so blessed to have had my tracks mixed by this man! A t..."
"Top quality bass tracks! Look no further for the goat!! "
"This is my second time ordering from Bryan. I sent over a quick demo of a song and let him work. I blinked and the files where delivered. This was a really fast turnaround. And just as awesome as the previous ti..."