Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jess Ray
I am passionate about elevating songs with lush layers, sweeping movements, and surprising elements through my live string recordings.
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Familiar worldwide by his trademark signature sound, Yossi Sassi (Warner Music France) redefines folk rock. blends East with West and Acoustic with Electric. Over 22 years as Guitarist & Producer, as well as composer/founder of "Orphaned Land". Produced O.Land albums (1991-), "Melting Clocks" (solo), Oceanic, Diana Golbi, Orin, Michael Kobrin &more
"Sarah is full of surprises. Her demeanor is demure, her music is dark-edged with a satirical bite. She has imagination, bravado and the technical chops to turn you into a believer." - Peter Himmelman
A mix and master engineer
Lu Jayan is a Canadian singer, songwriter, music producer and sound engineer of Venezuelan origin. Author and composer, member of prestigious organizations such as: the Latin Grammys, BMI, the Canadian Academy of Recording and Science (CARAS).
Victoria Theodore, known as Pianist to the STARS, is also a Music Director, Songwriter, Composer, Arranger, Orchestrator and Educator. She brings excellence, joy and camaraderie to every situation and will enhance your project, regardless of musical style. You will love working with her!
AVA has now worked with Sony & Universal Music Group. We WILL get the sound you want. With honesty and expertise, we will succeed by doing things THE RIGHT WAY.
Recording, Mix, Master, References 150 CDs rock, pop, metal, jazz, blues. classic, including Mitch Ryder, Axel Prahl, Mikis Theodorakis... Grand Piano, composition, sound design, Live CDs, editing, overdubs, voice over, daylight Creative environment including label, agency, photographer, church organ
Pablo Langaine is a Mexican and American composer, producer, and songwriter who creates music inspired by the folklore of his Latin American heritage, fused with traditional orchestration, contemporary expressions, and virtuoso guitar. His most relevant music department credits for film, TV, and games include Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark.
Recent Successes
"Jaki is a strong and versatile vocalist with great vocal range . Her tone is beautiful as well I will certainly be hiring Her for multiple songs very happy with her performance!"
"Benjamin is the best of the best! This is the 2nd time I've worked with him and he's produced 2 of my songs magnificently. He's very fast and skillful and perfect to work with. "
"Luxxury delivered exactly what I was hoping for. We had a very smooth journey, creatively and with easy communication. The track is sounding 'fonky'! Thanks Luxxury. Great working with you."
"I have Elliot because he has 20 years experience and as a professional Florist, I know how long it takes to master a trade. "
"I love working with Chris Garcia. I don’t trust anyone else with my vocal mix. Clear communication, knowledge and eye and ear for detail from the very beginning. He shapes my songs in a fantastic manner and is a key i..."
"I would like to give a special thank you to Brian for being patient in what quickly became a messy transfer of documents. He handled it like the professional He is and delivered a stellar product as I knew he would ba..."
"Such a talent! Fabien brought so many good ideas to this project. He delivered professional stems and was very communicative and enthusiastic for the whole songwriting process. Looking forward to working with him again!"