Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jersey Interchange
- MA Music Production from Berklee College of Music. - 20 + years experience performing, writing, recording, mixing and mastering with bands and artists from all over the world. - I play guitar, bass, drums, keys, horns, vocals, and anything else you put in front of me.
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Dmytrii Lynnyk MALS - Maestro of Global Dance Music, DJ, Sound Producer, and Mixing Engineer
MCAP, your full service recording studio conveniently located on the coast near San Francisco Airport and close to downtown SF, Oakland, & San Jose. Michael has over 18 years in the SF Bay Area specializing in studio recording & mixing, live mixing, home audio, corporate A/V, & private parties of all scales. BA Sound Arts & Record Production.
Truthfully, I do not have the awards, the fame, or the clout of some of my peers. What I can guarantee is that I can and will write circles around them for much cheaper.
We believe in quality sound so yes we are flexible with time. Pay for limited time take unlimited time.
Hi! I am Caslean based in London. I think my vocal sounds like crystal kawaii Gen Z / y2k female singers. I also love to sing some Jazz Pop or Smooth Jazz songs apart from Indie Pop, Dream Pop and Shoegaze songs. Looking forwards to work on your projects!
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Recent Successes
"Another great experience with MIXED BY EAST. We know we can count on him, and we'll definitely be working with him more and more in the future!"
"Great job with our doom metal band. On time delivery, very flexible and professional. Thx a lot Arsafes. "
"Top notch punch in, super fast turnaround; definitely will keep working with Hugo in the future! "
"Simply a joy to work with. Consistent, smart, and professional. Brittany always delivers. I look forward to working with her again."
"World class guitar player with an unique sunny sound! Top notch customer service, too. Warmly recommended!"
"I would recommend working with Daniel to everybody. They were very responsive and put in great effort to complete the job as quickly as possible. The vocal tracks are FIRE 🔥!! I'm really happy with our collab and woul..."
"As always more than expected!"
"10/10 every time! "
"Timothy creates very original bass structures. In addition, he has an out-of-the-box approach to the instrument and a great feel for the music. If you expect a PRO result, trust him."