Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jenine
I'm a remote music producer & sound engineer dedicated to helping indie / alt artists shape their unique sound through expert production and engineering.
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I have 20+ years experience in the music industry, especiallized in drum and percussion sound engineering.
My name is Phillip Taj Jackson. I am a 7x Grammy nominated songwriter. sold over 35 million records and rising. I'm am a Billboard award winner and an ASCAP songwriter of the year award. I have several no. 1 records in the States and abroad. I also produce, engineer, mix, vocal train and coach as well as artist developing and Manager.
In my years of touring, I've been hired to produce live arrangements both from band leading and track work. Having insight into how an audience reacts to certain dynamics, 'vibe', and texture is a key asset into anyone's body of musical work. My goal is to help get your message communicated as clearly as possible through your musical vision.
10x Platinum recording and mixing engineer with over a billion streams on multiple platforms. Jason Derulo's engineer from 2017-2021 (Savage Love - Billboard #1). One of the quickest recording engineers in LA.
Reach out for Professional audio quality. I'm a professional graduated Music Producer and mixing mastering engineer.
Give me the pleasure of working with you and your lyrics, melody, and/or backing tracks. I have understanding of song structure and flow, can write or finish your lyrics, write and craft your instrumental, sing catchy toplines, tight harmonies; have vocal technique and musicianship at my core.
Producer, songwriter & mixing engineer w/ 10+ years of experience.
Extra dimensional lyricism that breaks the barrier of consensus reality.
Recent Successes
"Once again! Camilo did an wesome job on mastering my band's song. "
"My experience with Nacor was very pleasing and satisfactory. He is very talented and captured the sound I was looking for precisely. He also was very good at communicating promptly and helping me to understand the pro..."
"John was super easy to work with and managed a quick turnaround despite the current difficulties (Covid etc) and time zone differences. Thanks for making it all work so well Results were precisely what I asked for ..."
"Another fantastic experience working with Sam! I’m so happy with the tracks we have worked on together."
"I chose this guy because he worked with professional industry Artist. I listed to a few of his jobs. I also wondered how mixes will sound compared to Online auto mastering. The human ear is like no other. Those servic..."
"awesome job!!!"
"Christian brought my song to life. I'm going to use him for every project now. He's truly the best engineer and producer I've met, period. His mixes translate across all systems, and he's a master at adding what a son..."
"Just finished my solo piano album / EP with the help of Adam on the mastering side. Everything turned out perfect, as usual! He is truly a mastermind on the mastering side. I highly recommend Adam for any mastering jo..."