Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jenane
Let’s find YOUR sound and cut through the noise together! Experienced Songwriter/Producer/Mixer featured on Apple Music’s “New in Rock”, MTV, Spotify’s “Fresh Finds”, iHeart radio and over 30 TV shows. Let’s make your song into a hit :)
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Recording Studio located in the lovely Stuttgart-Ulm area (Germany)
I am a producer/mixing and mastering engineer that wants to help with getting beautiful music to the world. I have been on this journey since I was 15 in and out of different studios perfecting my sound, and making sure the highest of quality material is achieved
Your art is my craft.
You send your worktape, demo mp3, or sing an idea into your phone and send it, I send back completed drum tracks for your project typically in under 3 days, but usually completed day of order!
Multi Billboard-charting & MOBO nominee, Rapper, Singer/Songwriter. I have worked with artists such as Daramola, Lecrae, Reach Records etc. I have worked in music for over 10 years and have over 50 million streams as an independently. TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PROJECT AND HOW I CAN HELP, THROUGH THE 'CONTACT' BUTTON ABOVE.
I make music for fun
As an experienced drummer, Jay Carros is able to offer clients a wide range of services, including professional Drum Recording Sessions. Jay has recorded drum tracks for people all over the world in a wide variety of musical styles from acoustic to electronic. As an engineer / producer drum recording is Jay's area of expertise.
Are you looking for a songwriter, lyricist, or a top-liner? Let's work together!
Recent Successes
"Great Voice, fast processing. Much thanks!"
"The clarity, the bounce and the richness Yoad brings to the song is addictive. The patience he has with the requests to carve the artist's imagination is second to none. A good song definitely deserves this man's witc..."
"I feel totally safe with Sefi, and he seems to understand and treat my music in an intuitive way, which is exactly what you are looking for as a song-writer or producer. In both projects we have done (moving on to the..."
"Elliot was awesome and I will be working with him again soon! Made my album sound fantastic 🔥"
"I'm a very picky person when it comes down to people working on my music, and even with all Chad good reviews I didn't know what to expect or if I was going to be satisfied. But, wow.... all I can say is wow! This guy..."
"3-rd, project with Mikk and cooperation was smooth like before. If You need good sound engineer, I recommend he's Your guy."
"A cover, not easy, she nailed it perfectly. Really talented. Sure I'll be back for the next job!"
"Stephen Carey is the guy if you need a great country/pop radio freindly vocal on your demos! M Miller Nashville "