Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JD Pantoja
Multiplatinum & Gold RIIA Certified producer. I have worked for a large Major artists in different genres and roles within production like ''Pegao''- CNCO Ft Manuel Turizo as a Music Producer, ''Chambea''- Bad Bunny as a Recording Engineer and Musical&Executive producer of the Music Album ''Bofff''- Kevin Roldan.
Miami-based artist, producer and mix engineer with 25M+ streams and over 10 years of experience in the music industry. I've produced and mixed music released on Sony Music, Universal Music, Ultra Music, Dim Mak, Soave, PRMD and Born Creative. I make music under the name 'Charlie Crown' (fka Flapo) & freelance as a producer and mix engineer.
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Hi, My name is Christopher Mendez, from Orlando,Fl. I been working 3 years in Recording and Live with different people in the industry most of them from Puerto Rico, Venezuela & Chile. Im also a guitar player i have done Guitar session for few friends. Any music genre is welcome to mix. I been playing guitar for 10 years.
Only bangers since 1995
Master of Music Production Electronic music&sound design https://www.linkedin.com/in/boonyapong-mesil
What distinguishes music from others, who will remain immortal, and will only fade with the waves.
I can compose music in the style of rock, grunge, metal, punk, pop-rock, alternative rock. I can record guitars, bass drums, strings, synths, choirs and mix and master everything to create a great space for your vocals.
¡Hey! My name is Tiago, i an argentinian music producer and live sound & mastering student.
I strive to approach each project with a focus on preserving the musical essence, multi 📀💿💎 certified engineer in Paris, France 🇫🇷
Adobe certified professional in Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Senior Team Lead of Graphic Arts Department at Quadron Records.
Recent Successes
"Super quick turnaround, easy to work with, & jusr a great engineer. Really can take your tracks to the next level! You definitely need some breakfast n vegas in your life! "
"Peter and I are working through a difficult song, he just provided a sample and did it fast, and followed my direction perfectly. Good person and nice voice."
"Once again, he never fail me. He is very talented in what he do and he does it very well. Isaac is a vocal tuning, comping, and mixing master. And he have the ears for that extra touch for very fine tuning vocals."
"Andy is great! He has a great ear and understanding for how everything fits into the mix. I really appreciate how he was super attentive to details, creative and making sure he didn't rush through things. I'm reall..."
"Ethan sings with a lot of soul as well as technical prowess. He really added his artistry to my song and took it to a level I hadn't imagined. Thanks so much for your passion and professionalism! Joe B."
"Ethan has a GREAT voice, and is very good to work with. He is also versatile with a very wide range. He has sung on a rock track, and then has switched over to sing a gregorian styled chant type vocal. He nailed both...."
"Great masters with great overall balance and sound. "