Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jazmine Mary
Analog Mastering for all formats. We master full-time with a dedicated mastering suite. Records are polished here.
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i'm a Songwriter and recording artist from Seattle, Washington. I can take Mostly Any Track, Music, Instrumental and write your next Single. i can't explain How i do it, i jus have this ear for Music. i was a artist/sonwriter for 15 years and could say i kinda know what a artist looks for when it comes to their sound and how to make it a reality.
Arsene (Arib) Having been involved in music production for the past 16 years, I don't have a long list of credit, but I am grateful to Eric Passmore at Tournamix for giving me the opportunity to showcase my skills with his beautiful songs (we all start somewhere 😄). Take a listen, and if you like what you hear, lets work!
Yugs makes dreamy, grounding, and genre pushing lofi beats, instrumentals, soundtracks and songs to close your eyes and smile to.
I have been writing music for over 10 years and specialize in R&B, Hip-Hop, Soul, Pop, and Country just to name a few.
Productor y compositor, trabajo para Fangodelicos ( 2 discos , + un ep fusionando , funk , latino , rock , hip hop y mas ) 2 discos como solitario con Jxfango y musica instrumental .Me gusta usar instrumentacion diferente de otras regiones y siempre adaptandome a lo que el musico necesita)
I'm a singer and songwriter fluent in both English and Spanish.
I offer professional mixing and mastering with a quick turnaround, for all genres and for most formats. I specialise in electronic, experimental and ambient music, but I am open to work on anything from indie pop to free jazz. I have years of experience as a freelancer, and I am committed to tailoring each order to your specific requirements.
Cécile Grüebler embraces a broad variety of styles and genres in an unassuming way; no matter the repertoire, every musical phrase is crafted with unconditional, tasteful intensity and utmost expression.
Recent Successes
"As always, clever and creative mixing! Rob is a pleasure to work with!"
"Luis is not only an experienced engineer, but he's flexible, efficient and to the point. A pleasure to work with. "
"Awesome work! This is exactly what i need. YR was very responsive and professional, i recommend him and his service. Top quality mixing!"
"Leonel is the Real Deal! I could not be more impressed and happy with his work and approach to my song. He is also the coolest and nicest guy to deal with. I will end up sending all my songs for him to sing on them. H..."
"David was very open to suggestions and worked to come to a final product we were both happy with. For the price, you can't beat it!"
"Amazing collaborator. Was able to prepare my song for release"
"There is a difference. Just remember that. You can try every mixing mastering engineer on this site. It's just gonna bring you right back around to Guy. The best quality. My go-to. "
"Joe Deninzon is one of the best people you can work with as far as strings is concerned. He just understood our vibe right away and the very first option he gave us was what we exactly wanted!! How cool is that!"