Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jay Guapo
I'm Mike Dylan. At the heart of how I record and mix, is the artist's vision for their song.
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I'm going to arrange and mix your Playback. Just send me a demo and you'll get the professional instrumental.
Worked with Wu Tang. Gang Starr. Public Enemy. Das Efx. Jazzmattaz. Mob Deep. Kip Hanrahan. Arto Lindsay. Jack Bruce. John Zorn and tons more. NYC Audio Pro since 1982. Owner of Firehouse Studio in NYC. Currently in Israel. Worked with the above artists in Recording and/or Mixed and/or Mastered or as a studio owner.
Pro keys for Keith Urban, Steve Vai, Hunter Hayes, Dick Van Dyke, Madison Beer, Diane Warren and many more. I’d love to work with you! I’m an award-winning keyboardist and professor at the USC Thornton School of Music. Enjoy major label quality on an indie budget. Always professional, friendly and patient with clients of all experience levels.
Beginner sound engineer, looking for interesting projects for mixing
The Studio is a spacious, warm, vibey recording studio located in downtown Los Angeles, inspired by the vibe of Electric Lady Studios in NY & the space of Abbey Road Studios in London. We have a state-of-the-art 16 channel Neve Genesys G32 recording console (fully loaded with EQ and Dynamics on every channel).
Professional Music producer work with a lot of top Artists and Agenices.
Making the world better one track at a time! I make beats for trap and hip-hop artists.
My name is Will from Rotherham, UK. I have a solo metalcore project called The Abstraction, where I regularly write and release music, with all of the instruments, pre production, and some of the vocals are all put together by myself. I am now offering services to perform harsh vocals, write and compose songs as well as social media content.
Recent Successes
"Dylan is the best drummer I have ever worked with. His musicality is oustanding, and his kit, cymbals and percussion sound like a million and a little more. I expected great. Got awesome. Use him. "
"Second work with Rhett, and I am absolutely happy. Without I gave him any indications regarding how I wished the different parts to be played and what I wished to change, he improved everything by his own. He played..."
"Working with Emma for the second time. She's absolutely amazing. You can tell how precise and delicate she is when she's handling vocals. No complaints, she's great at what she does, delivers on time and super quick w..."
"Working with Graham is a repeated delight and is well worth the price. He is communicative, kind and always willing to make adjustments until you are satisfied. He sees through your ideas to the end and can get the sm..."
"Simply amazing. Richard did exactly what I needed and with the right feeling. He is a true Pro and a extremely talented musician. I am sure that the beauty of his music reflects somewhat the beauty of his soul. Don't ..."
"Fantastic master! Crisp, clear and very quick turnaround time! Austin will always be my go to for future projects! Know's exactly what he is doing!"
"As ever, a superb, creative performance and perfect communication throughout. "