Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jay and the Po Boys
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Fu wit me you know I got the flavor
I love mixing. Always longing for the moment when everything comes together on a mix and it starts to get magic
Vincent Gross is a dynamic performer with many diverse talents as a jazz vocalese/crooner artist, trumpet, flugelhorn and cornet instrumentalist; bandleader, composer, arranger, audio producer and voice over.
Focus on: Classical recordings and production of metal music.
Hi I'm Dave Woodman. I mix and master your pre-recorded tracks remotely for a highly competitive rate. I have never had a disappointed client - Let me take your sound to the next level!
Come take your music to the next level!
I work together with artists to do something outside the box and unique to their genre, that can also stand up to the modern standard of the artists they align themselves with. We will design a sound that is yours. We will work until it stands up to modern trends and radio quality. And we will enjoy the process of making your track hit just right.
Producer and 2X Grammy winning music engineer with an impressive track record of securing diverse TV placements, adept at the art of Atmos and creating immersive sonic experiences.
Recent Successes
"Jared captured the essence of the references perfectly!"
"Jason is so masterful and precise that working with him put's you in a comfort zone something addictive! Really enyjoy the work of this guy. He is in the pocket solid and on time. Will truly work again with Jason."
"I have worked with Markiss multiple times and he always delivers the BEST work i’ve ever heard! MOST AMAZING RESULTS EVER!!!!"
"Jay is an excellent guitarist, both acoustic and electric.He will work with you to get it right, and has the skills to make it great!"
"I have a very simple song but it's become shining after Thomas's work ! Looking forward to the next !"
"Nicki is exactly what you’d hope for in a vocalist. She is both excellent at the craft itself and communicates in the right, candid way that brings the best out of each job and allows you to learn or see a thing or tw..."
"Erik was a pleasure to work with and really understands the tropical house genre! Looking forward to working with him again in the future!"
"Another great remix and great remake (version very close to the original but using different instruments) by Noah ! He always surprises me with his remixes and I like listening to them a lot ! I am glad that I foun..."