Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jan flu
I play in Japan with a band called Jan flu, and also recently started a new composition project called Aaanna Japanese Special. I am good at composing music. Genres include indie pop / rock etc. The songs I write and mix have a unique approach, but I am confident that they will have an impact! Looking forward to working with you and your project!
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I love quirky and vulnerable artists with a blend of electronic and acoustic instrumentation where personality is writ large and there is a bold artistic vision.
Live Drums, Percussion, MIDI Drums.
Asklepion Audio is a company that deals with audio film, advertising, jingle, sountrack music, publishing, audio recording, mixing, mastering. http://www.asklepionaudio.com
I have recently worked with Nashville based producer Peter Collins (producer - Bon Jovi, Quuensryche, Rush, Nancy Griffiths, Brian Setzer, etc.) on tracks for an upcoming release by Billboard dance artist Consuelo Costin. Songwriting Sunstorm, Songwriting Issa,Producing, Mixing, Songwriting, Infinite & Divine,Producing StoneLake, Producing S.A.Y.
I produce and perform all my own music and visuals under the alias BREX https://soundcloud.com/itsBREX
I love all genres of music! Anything is possible when the music starts....
Credited rock/pop Engineer with professional studio experience. Green Day, Keith Ubran, Dolly Parton, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Harry Styles, Dwight Yoakam, Post Malone, Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, The Struts, Doobie Brothers, Sam Williams...
best solution for your audio needs.
Recent Successes
"Kramer did a superb job on the remaster of a project we did recently, and in record time!! His skill and expertise will keep me coming back for more! Thanks again Kramer!!"
"Hogo is my favorite drummer. I had the pleasure of working with him on all of my album tracks. His recordings are perfect and full of creativity and spot on all the time. Highly recommended. "
"Amazing job once again!!! I use him for mostly all my tracks great writer singer great communication all the above! "
"I keep tellin ya’ll he’s the best! Dont sleep "
"Vic was a dream to work with he helped us hit our deadline and was very helpful with a quick turnaround,"
"I love to work with Andres, so far I never have to ask for a reversion on any of my tracks so far, always on point great advice on what new to be done to get the best quality."
"The very 1st track I did with Killian was a HOMERUN! I JUST got my 2nd track back from him and somehow he was able to outdo himself by creating a 2 Run Shot! Not only is Killian able to harness your songs mood, ene..."