Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jamalien
IndieGo! - Studios is a team of several ambitious artists with many years of experience in various areas of the music business. In addition to producers, songwriters and beat producers, this also includes sales managers and graphic designers.
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I am an inspiring producer who wants to pursue a career in the music field with a strong concentration towards audio mixing for other artists songs / music. I am 22 years old and constantly thrive to learn more and work towards being the best audio / mixing engineer I can be. I joined this site in hopes of doing just that.
All the latin flow, funky, jazzy, rock and much more gathered in two hands! I can virtually play every genre. Send me your ideas, so I will give them back to you and get them even better. I've been playing for more than 20 years, and recording since early 2000's
Tenor lead vocal and/or background. Strong ear for harmonies. Also available for cowriting.
I whistle like Bing Crosby, a Disney Princess, or a bird.
Producer focused on helping artists realize their vision. My songwriting expertise (indie pop, country, & acoustic/folk), international touring experience, and understanding of the industry help me deliver polished, release-ready tracks.
Rap , Hip-Hop & trap
Middle Ridge Studio is a one room log cabin recording studio on the V6 Ranch in Parkfield, California. The studio is owned and operated by Sound Engineer Cian Hamilton from Sligo, Ireland. Cian has worked with some of Ireland's premier folk musicians including Anna Mieke, Ultan O'Brien and Antonio O'Breskey, Alannah Thornburgh, Alfi and more.
K-POP HipHop Artist who worked with many famous KPOP IDOL groups!
Recent Successes
"Woawww, Mechi is a real talented artist ! I loved our collab, creativity, communication, versatility and a awesome voice :) the result is perfect ! I totally recommend her for your project !"
"A Big pleasure to work with Helena. Like it very much. Always in time and with a lot of creativity and passion in her songs. Amazing voice."
"Thanks James, For another amazing performance! "
"Elliot was very easy to work with and also very fast. He caters to your needs. "
"I was blown away by James. He gave me exactly what I was looking for with incredibly quick turnaround. I think the best thing is that he gave me takes with lots of musical personality and charisma, within the scope..."
"Rioux was ever the professional - spot on with delivery, ideas and lyrics - he brought great energy and talent. 6 stars! Definitely would want to work with him again, he understands the pocket of each track perfectly...."
"Simply smashed it AGAIN, absolute pleasure to work with"
"Chad is one of the most highly rated and reviewed guitarists on SoundBetter for a reason. I love working with this guy - the electric guitars he just put on my track were PERFECT and while I know he is happy to take r..."
"Nolan was very knowledgeable about how a mix should be setup. His attention to detail was incredible And very refreshing. He was very responsive to my inquiries, and very reasonable to work with. Overall, I am very pl..."
"Amazing Results! Jonas brought my song up to the next level; I recommend his work 100%"