Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jake & the Convolution
Call me if you need someone who cares about the Vibe of your music and build a basement of Groove, Sound and Texture. I'm a professional musician for nearly 20 years and love to create rhythms and beats for different styles of music.
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Jazz and classical pianist creating synthesized and recorded wavy waves.
Looking for your next hit? I'm your one-stop-shop.
I'm a fun, positive human and an experienced musician and producer. Whether you need help polishing songs, a vocal coach, creative production ideas, a string quartet arrangement, a transcription of your track, or just a cheer leader in your corner, I'm ready and willing to help your musical vision come to life!
Ishaan Nigam is a multi-genre singer, composer and lyricist. He has also made his debut in an Indian films like KANTARA and FIR.
I'm a composer and producer working out of Brooklyn, NY.
I`ve been mixing songs for major label associated & independent artists. I´ve been working in the industry for several years now, and I mainly work in Hiphop, Rap, Trap, Pop, R&b, and indie genres.
fyp - Captive Cult Entertainment
I'm a producer, mix engineer and bassist working with up and coming artists to take their initial ideas and elevate them to higher standards. Credits include the BBC, Lumarie, Em Risley, Abs, Tom Featherstone and more.
Recent Successes
"Daniel is an guitar hero with an extravagant technique. Working with him is very easy and he delivers much feeling with his work. He totally understands the song and helped me to make a good song sond great. His work ..."
"Kirsten is a real gem. Very professional and very efficient with her work. She also was very understanding when I had not made clear some initial instructions, and promptly redid a new version of her excellent vocals...."
"Chris was really nice to work with. Very humble, zero ego, professional, fast turnarounds, and very passionate. Has a nice musical common sense and we will definitely work with him in the future!"
"This is the remedy I needed in my life! Wonderful job as usual. Thanks alot Rey. You are a legend in the making!"
"Absolutely awesome song! Ethan did a kiler job on the arrangement, vocals and mixing. Great collaboration on this song. Final product is an amazing song. Can't wait for this album to drop it will be top notch"
"I reached out to Cora about vocals for a demo and she did an amazing job! She listened to the blueprint and was able to provide an amazing sounding demo honoring what I was looking for, while adding her own style. She..."
"David & Tiffany captured exactly the feel I wanted and delivered a truckload of vocal tracks for me to work with (all nicely labeled, too)! They gave me exactness where I needed it and let it breathe and move where I ..."
"Excellent work! Professional and high quality. I definitely recommend!"