Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jake Huffman
I'm Evan Bakke, Chief Recording and Mixing Engineer at Power Station New England. Formerly the personal recording and mixing engineer for Prince at Paisley Park Studios. I love working with indie artists and would love to hear from you.
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Available for mixing. Upload Your files to me with current rough mix. Protools preferred.
An artist for the artists.
Let me write you a song or help you finish it! You keep all the ownership :) 2019 Recipient of BMI Nashville Songwriting Scholarship
I've been producing and engineering for over ten years.
Guitarist for Minefield
I have been taught by industry professionals such as Lewis Capaldi/CamelPhat's Engineer. I have also had success through my personal tracks on Spotify reaching 1 million streams worldwide.
Aubrey Situmorang is a Los Angeles-based Indonesian bass player who consistently crafts high quality music work.
Producer, composer and mixing and mastering engineer with multiple songs finished and from various genres, I have worked for artists from all over the world and it will be a pleasure that you are the next one!
Recent Successes
"Matt is fantastic. Very patient and understands what it takes to get to the artist vision. "
"As always a perfect mix from Ariel. Ariel always takes time to mix things right. The combination of Ariel's mixing and Mike Bozzi mastering make for radio ready songs. Always happy with everything he does. Highest rec..."
"Let's gooooooo another project down! Don't miss out or sleep on this man's talent! He shoots for the moon everytime with the work 🚀"
"Hayes is an excellent singer that carries the vocals to another level! Thank you, man!"
"Love her voice and how she nails it every time. Myah is legit!"
"Gal created truly amazing percussion to the ballad, Rose Red. This song has deep emotional ties to the human experience and Gal captured that emotion with his exceptional drum work. In my opinion a musician can’t ..."
"Another perfect vocal! She was so kind and fit me in her busy schedule, so grateful! Always knows the right vibe, the right tone, the right emotion to give her vocals. Amazing!"