Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jahirah Williams
With an exceptional ear for vocal nuances and a track record of producing top-tier quality, I consistently deliver finely tuned vocals and produce outstanding tracks that elevate every project I undertake.
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I have added my pedal steel to recordings that have won or been nominated for an Academy Award ("Brokeback Mountain"), Grammys, Latin Grammys, a Golden Globe, Emmys, and Billboard Music Awards. I can help take your recordings to another level.
producer, performer, soundesigner, enginer
Guqin is a 29 year old music producer from Chile. He has more than 10 years involved in the music industry working with rappers, game developers, filmmakers and instrumental/ambience music.
Swiss based Beatmaker/Producer specialized in HipHop (Trap, Lofi, Chillbeats) and EDM (Deep House, Melodic House)
I've Spent Years Developing My Talents... Years Making A Name For Myself. Soon I Will Be Globally Successful And Recognized. As A Songwriter I Use My Government Name (Gregory Dell-Charnell Johnson)
I am a Mixing & Mastering engineer and Producer. I specialize in Rap, Pop, R&B. Since I started music as a jazz, fusion, and soul trumpet player, I have a unique approach to both my post work, as well as production. I have studied Rap and Hip Hop for eight years, Production for six years, Mixing for three, and Mastering for five.
20+ years of experience. I've worked with Alec Benjamin, Thomas Headon, Paulo Nutini, Amy Macdonald, Razorlight, The Libertines, Paul Weller, Westlife, Hikaru Utada, Take That, Natalie Imbruglia, to name a few. I’m a creative-minded producer, songwriter & multi-instrumentalist with roots in the classic singer songwriter & organic pop universe.
Hey! I'm a mixing engineer from Barcelona.
Recent Successes
"4th job with Yoed...another 5 Stars! His cello gives his audience goosebumps! Thanks again!"
"A really true professional. He was really great to work with. Came up with some good ideas and great melodies and harmonies. I would recommend this guy"
"He is just amazing, wow when you listen to a song without mixing and then you get his mixing you’re just completely surprised how good the song sounds finally haha:p he just made the song what I wanted it to be!! Just..."
"Really Glad to work with Jeff on this Track. Not sure how Jeff managed to make the track sound so great. The recording had so many issues especially with the drums but Almost can not believe how Jeff made this sound ..."
"Justin is an awesome vocal talent all the way around the board. Not only that, but he's extremely reliable and a strong communicator. Very easy to work with and, after my first experience, I will most certainly be wor..."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to work with this talented and singer-songwriter. The top line that he has produced is top notch and the vocal production is of a very high quality. Zach has been professional througho..."
"This man is amazing! His steel guitars and fiddle can bring that unique feeling of warmth to my tracks. His recording have unique combination of precision at the same time they do not sound "mechanical" and always hav..."
"Great talent & friend as usual. Thank you for the high quality masters!"
"Paul is the best keyboardist/organ player I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Coming across him on this site has been a blessing. Any time I hire him my tracks are instantly elevated, more sophisticated, more ..."
"Another great experience working with Austin!"
"Amazing work again by Fabian on two songs I needed mastered! I'll be back using him again soon :)"