Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with J.D BLANKETS
my name is prince kwankye artist name PRINCE K singer songwriter producer and am the CEO of Prince K Entertainment Prince Kwankye Pong is a Ghanaian musician based in Belgium. The enthusiasm with which he responds to questions, very vibrant and articulate on his style of music, which he says is blend between afro-pop and afro-beats listening t
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More providers:
i am producer http://www.electropop-beats.com/ and sound engeneer (mastering)
I am one of the top jazz/commercial trumpeters in the city of Philadelphia. I have played with many of the top musicians in the Philly area, and have experience writing and playing in many different styles of music. I also compose and arrange for my band and have been commissioned to write for anything from big band to classical works.
*If my price isn't reasonable, feel free to contact me. I'm not looking for collaborations or mentoring. * I will produce high quality music for any occasion (parties/events, car mix, music to listen to in the house, etc..). I will be COMPLETELY dedicated to making sure that your song is AMAZING. You'll be updated about the progress of the song.
Contact me for productions or info!
There aren't a lot of producer where I'm from willing to push the mold and do something different than what everyone else is doing, Im the one that's willing to step outside the box to bring you experimentation and a different sound for the tracks that im working on.
Hi, I'm Martyn a professional and creative individual who is using primarily Native Instruments Maschine MK3 & DAW plus integrated industry leading plugins to create unique, mastered audio tracks within the genres of house music and EDM. I produce my own music and would love to work with you in addition. I'm native English....
Electronic and ambient musician, Alain Héroux, awakens connotations of terror, sadness, and despair with organic authenticity. Blending genres like Dungeon Synth, Vaporwave, Chillwave and Dark Ambient to create an enchanting and addictive timbre.
Recent Successes
"Mark is one of the jedi masters team. :-) I have never seen such balance of quality results and fast delivery. He has also a very interesting working method. Recommended. "
"Jeffrey embraces every project with great enthusiasm and provides great quality work. You need only to read the preceding reviews to know and be confident that if you engage Jeffrey you receive the highest quality wor..."
"Austin was amazing to work with! He works super fast and made edits quickly as well. The quality is top notch! Hope to work with him again!"
"This guy is the man! Hands down the coolest most humble dude! You will not be disappointed with Brent.. he saw my vision from the very get and executed it in the mix instantly. Highly recommend Brent for sure!!!"
"Effee was so great and easy to work with! She's a great songwriter and delivered a top notch song and performance. Would highly recommend and work with again!"
"Claudia was a wonderful producer to work with! Has a really great ear for music and emotional dynamics. I think an underrated skill for a musician/producer to have is being able to identify the DNA of a song, extrac..."
"Has done a fantastic job on cover vocals and guitars. I can recommend Andrew 100%. Thx again."
"Beautiful. We work together for a mastering of one track and the result was perfect. Matt is professionnal and intuitive with a musical ear on his work, identifying important points to succeed in doing the best p..."
"Crazy talent, insane voice and amazing songwriter! It's been a pleasure and for sure I will repeat in the future!!"