Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Izzy-S
CREDITS: WHOLE Montreal's French & English Hip-Hop Culture + Collaboration with Universal Music Canada and many others. Unlimited Free Revisions. Millions of streams worldwide. I've put more than 14,000 hours in studio and counting on recording, Mixing & Mastering. I'm experienced in multiples of music genres and open to working in all... WE LIVE
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Hi my name is JJ Moloney, and I came here to provide you with amazing audio work! I am a Multi-Instrumentalist, Producer, Recording Engineer, Audio Editor, Mix Engineer, and Mastering Engineer. I graduated from the Art Institute of Boston, and continued to intern in Boston/Nashville/LA, before opening up my own professional studio.
If your are looking for a nice comfortable, quality, affordable recording studio, with a great atmosphere, look no more.
Mix and Mastering with analog equipment in a super professionally design room. Senior Enginner & professor at Berklee College of Music studios in Valencia. 20 years of experience
Composer with over 25 years experience specializing in jazz and orchestral arranging. Freelance trombonist and vocalist. Together you and I can make the perfect music for your project.
I'm a composer, producer & sound designer with extensive experience in the production of these genres: Soundtrack, Orchestral Trailer, Pop, EDM, K-Pop. I do Composition, Production, Mixing, Editing, and Vocal Production in these genres. I have won multiple awards as composer and I worked with multi-platinum selling songwriters (...)
I'm the perfect fit to produce your hit !!!!
Matransaction ndo main agenda
Hey, I'm Angela but you can call me Angie :)
Recent Successes
"Working with Mariami was such a great experience. She is really an amazing talent with a beautiful spirit. She was very responsive throughout the process and she is undeniably creatively intuitive. The project turned ..."
"We really recommend assoe. He is fast in responding and did a great job with our track. We are definitly gone contact him for future mixing work."
" Nicky is very professional and fast! It was a pleasure working with her"
"5 star every time!"
"Sebastian was amazing to work with! Quick replies and high quality toplining. Would work with him again! "
"Another great experience with Otto! He can be incredibly fast whilst always delivering top quality!"
"Second time working with Elliot. Again he is friendly, easy to work with and most impersonally his quality of work demonstrates his passion for mastering. He was flexible with working on a variety of versions for me w..."
"Outstanding production!!! Now it's my job is to get every 12-17 year old girl to buy this song. I'll be back for more songs."
"This was my first experience with Sound Better. I chose TMR because of his upfront honesty about not having any major names he has worked with and his reviews. The reviews were all right. He was VERY prompt to respond..."
"Stephen was clutch as always. He’s got great vision and killer on the guitar. Unmatched vocal tone. Not just a “demo singer”, but a musician. "