Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with iYF
I will write you a Hip Hop record based off your originality, flow, and sub-genre of Hip Hop.
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Every song I write or arrange for you can stand on any international platform and I can deliver in less than 24 hours. I finished in 3rd place in the first ever STARDOM NIGERIA SEASON 1 songwriter category and I have a degree from berklee in music business.
Experienced flutist with a history in studio orchestral session playing.
Keyboardist for 12 months.
With over a decade of production expertise and working with Grammy-Winning artists, I bring a wealth of knowledge and precision to your music projects. As a multi-genre specialist, I am dedicated to elevating your sound, ensuring professional-grade mixing, mastering, and production.
Working towards a bachelor's in media arts and the skills I learned there I love to implement into mixing and mastering all kinds of music, but mainly hip hop.
Music Producer / Multi-Instrumentalist (Bass player/Keyboardist) specialized in Hip Hop-Jazz-R&b-LoFi
The classical guitar has taken me around the world giving me 40+ years of experience in performing, composing and recording. As a sound engineer and music producer I have recorded hundreds of albums, I have specialized in recording guitars and classical music, and I have produced records for Deutsche Grammophon, Glosa and Opera Tres.
Amjad Hossain Rifat is a Bangladeshi Musician Singer, Blogger, Digital Marketer, Freelancer, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Content Creator. He is also a good writer. He was born in Lakshmipur ,Chittagong , Bangladesh.
Recent Successes
"Amazing per usual!! Love working with Arthur. "
"This is my second time working with Adam and I must say he impresses me more and more. The sound files that you get are of superb quality and he delivers a lot of mixing options since he records with many microphones...."
"2nd time I worked with David and even better than 1st one. He got song's feel, played different takes all great and did it in a very timely manner. Very friendly and easy to communicate with. Can't imagine a better..."
"Amazing voice and person, very professional and gives you many options to make your song perfect! "
"GREAT EXPERIENCE working with Steve!! Everything on time, fast and high quality delivery. Thanks a lot!!"
"Jordi was great to work with and the entire experience was a pleasure start to finish! "
"It was a delight and a blessing for me to get Andrijana Janevska to lend her voice to a keyboard track another brilliant artist had created. I was most impressed by the fact that Miss Janevska provided EIGHT voices, a..."
"Incredibly talented producer/engineer, it's always super exciting to work with Kevin because we know we are in good hands. This latest project turned out extra awesome, the hard work and talent Kevin brings to our mus..."
"Andres is a master of Mastering Engineers! This is my 4th project with him. Every time he provides very good feedback on the initial mix. Following his directions takes the mix form good to great. Then he masters ..."