Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Irene Di VIlio
Experienced composer, multi-instrumentalist and studio owner available for composing soundtracks
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I can make you a beat or a full production recording of ANY genre. I'm a Multi-instrumentalist I sing and rap. I write lyrics I can Mix and Master ~Baütista
Seasoned professional studio drummer and percussionist. No one will out work me. I am proficient at many different styles and my specialty is pocket and coming up with parts that take the song to a new level.
I’ve traveled the world singing in cover band companies professionally for 3 and a half years. I’ve sang in the Broadway hotness musical “Little Shop of Horrors” in 2010 at the Carrillo’s Music Theatre in Thousand Oaks California. I have lots of vocal training and experience. I’m a great choice for your next project!
I'm a songwriter/rapper/singer versatile artist on all genres. Worked with Billsbrown, KiddyCole,and many other labels across the continent.
After 14 years of working in the industry and a degree in audio engineering, I've had the pleasure of working in every facet of the audio industry. I've worked for all the Artists listed below as well as work for film/television clients such as Lionsgate, Disney, Grindstone, Lifetime, Mar Vista, Collins Avenue, EQtainment, and more.
You'd definitely want to hire a sound designer who has worked for Amazon Prime Video shortfilms, and whose clients have ranged between Bollywood's playback singers and E-learning application curators.
I am really good at making drill beats, however, I can do other genres as well.
Im kian Pourtorab,i am music producer and composer ,ten years production experience,specializing in poprock,electronic,soft pop.
Recent Successes
"Audrey is extremely talented and easy to work with! She understand the dynamic of vocals and how to express lyrics thru emotions and correct mood that fits the song. She's just a natural at this I believe. Can't wait ..."
"TMIS - ISSSSSS SICK!! Extremely talented and takes your creative direction and mixes and masters it perfectly. Amazing producer to work with and very responsive. I recommend him to anyone wanting a commercial ready to..."
"Caro has done a superb job for me again. It is always very straightforward communicating what I am looking for, and Caro's vocal comes back exactly as I envisaged it. Caro has a lovely voice whjch particularly su..."
"Stige did great work and I would work with him again."
"A pleasure working again! I've been working with some top pros and Ziv is a one to remember, that kind of a talent you don't hear everyday-he's something else, in a league of his own and I'm truly honored to work with..."
"Thank you Zach ~ a wonderful creative beautiful fiddle enhancing piano tunes ~ great to work with and hopefully again ! "
"Kendra is an extremely talented, creative and awesome songwriter and singer. She took my lyrics and gave them the perfect melody. i can't wait to work with her again!"
"This is hands down the kindest and most positive guy I have ever met in my entire life. Incredibly talented in so many different genres. Can’t believe what an amazing job he did on my heavy rock song. Can’t wait to co..."