Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Inhabitmedia
Mixing and Mastering to industry standard and above with specialists who add creative and artistic elements to your mix if you so choose. LET US HELP - Reach out to us at Studio 982 Recordings - we will help you enjoy the process at a great price and get a great END product.
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I'm a hip hop and indie electronic producer from Chicago called Patch The Programmer. I've been mixing and mastering music for four years in my home studio here in Bozeman, MT and have gotten pretty good at it!
I create by several years Electronic Dance Music. When I started was hard but now is better. If you need remix, original mix or something different send to me message.
We are a production team with a range of styles, mainly hip-hop, R&B, electronic, neo-soul, avant-garde
Hello folks, My name is Emil and Im a music producer/engineer from Sweden.
I am a Mixing & Mastering Engineer @ Sri Lanka
Music Producer whose worked with several local Kansas City Bands. I can welcome local artists into my at home studio, or work remotely tracking instruments or mixing and mastering.
What can i help you" with!
Mechanical engineer turned audio engineer and producer. Finishing my Audio Production & Engineering Program at Metalworks Institute. Starting with $50/song for mixing and the first review is free of charge. After that I will charge the regular rate per song. I sing and play violin and electric guitar. Would love to do violin session recordings.
Recent Successes
"Talented and profesional! Will mos definitely work with him again"
"Ben is super professional and willing to go the extra mile all the time. In this case he went above and beyond singing on track that was not keyed in his vocal sweet spot. Nonetheless he hung in there an delivered a..."
"Awesome bass player... Kingsley King enjoyed your service to his new track...We will be using your service as now goes on."
"Dan is the perfect example of professionalism. He responded to my questions quickly and executed everything I asked and some. For the quality of work that he delivers on his mixing and mastering, you would pay triple ..."
"Very patient with us from beginning to end, brought lots of creative ideas to our demo and meshed into an overall pleasing sound. Quality product and quality producer, would recommend!"
"He did it again! Always a nice surprise to hear the sound stereo is able to pull out of the mix. Been working with him for a couple years now knockin out my first album. He will not disappoint. I ama pop/rnb/hip h..."
"Kerry is an incredible musician. She was very sensitive to the track I sent her, embellishing it with great taste and musicality without overplaying. She was also a pleasure to deal with. Thanks so much Kerry!"