Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with INDEMO - 'Broke Boy'
Do you keep finding yourself busting your ass over a mix that never sounds how you want it? Struggling to find a musician of your skill level to collaborate with? Maybe you're bored of the overused, generic production of most music and want something fresh to spark inspiration?
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I am a Artist/Producer/Engineer from Fort Lauderdale, FL. Graduated from Full Sail with an Associates Degree in Recording Arts. The past 14 years I have been involved with music and been mixing for the past 7 years. Worked out of Audio Vision Studios located in Miami, FL and head engineer of Audio Palace Studios located in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
By bringing the big studio into the reach of the new artist, we can help you to faithfully produce your musical ideas and work with you to bring your songs to their full potential.,,The studio is only an oyster card train journey away from London and about a 40 minute drive away. ,,Feel free to contact us for a studio viewing,
i add a styled bit of depth to shallow settings.
Mixing engineer
My Tiger-Mom created a Musical Beast, and to her dismay, I'm still not a doctor... Great Great-Grandaughter of Johann Strauss. Violinist, Vocalist, Studio Musician, and Composer.
You provide beats or instrumentals? I can provide a hit song for sure! An independent singer-songwriter and self-publisher. Compositions include, "Live Your Life," "Feeling You," and "Need the Road," amongst others. Having a voice that combines Popular music, with Jazz and R&B, I simply write from my hearts surface and radiate hope.
Multi-genre beatmaker/music producer.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic work again from Austin! Great production all around:) looking forward to working with him again!"
"Nathalie is pure greatness! She delivered high quality vocals with the vibe that I was looking for and she was spot on with her first draft that she sent me. Working with such a professional is a Joy and I am really s..."
"Releasing the $40 we agreed on to get it back. Please refund me or do the last songs that I am paying for. I haven't heard from you since April and you've been working on other projects but left me hanging when we spe..."
"Very quick to delivery a top quality service. Mix and master sounding superb. Patiently dealt will all my requests. Will definitely be using his services again. "
"A.J. is an extremely talented singer and songwriter! She has an amazing voice and fits perfectly for the track I am working on. A.J. is very easy to work with, communicative, and is able to make adjustments quickly an..."
"Trey's a pro, It's no wonder he has all those hits. Trey provided a great melody, great lyrics super easy to work with and delivers a quality song quickly . Thanks so much Trey. "