Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with asvad
- " All this is for the love of my family, my grandmother, my mother and art " -
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As Chief Engineer at Stadium Red, Ariel sets the standard for the highest quality work and mentors aspiring engineers. He works closely with the Technical Operations Manager to constantly improve the facility and skill set of our staff. He has over 10 years experience as a Live Mix Engineer, Recording Engineer, Mixer and Producer.
I'm Nelson Puertorican Music producer I live now in South America Chile looking for new Sounds and culture I'm working by 15 years in urban dancehall and electronic music now I'm looking new projects and offer my service if you're looking a good music professional let me know I work fast and good if u wanna contact in ig my brand its hitplacemusic
My name is Zefan. A Music Producer. I started producing music since 2006, have done a lot of projects in producing music for artists, media, and live orchestra performance. If you are looking beautiful orchestra ballad, magical Disney, K-pop, and C-Pop or Black Gospel style production you should check out my 2019 Demo reel.
Need someone to mix and master music? I know a guy. I am the guy.
Signed on labels like Soave, We Are Diamond, LoudKult etc. More than 15 million+ streams!
Yo no hago lo que los demás hacen, no sigo los patrones puestos por la sociedad, hago lo que me de la gana y lo que me pida el cuerpo
Dynamic Mixes and the SAUCE you NEED to your sound be DIFFERENT and BETTER
Professional bass player with more than 10 years of experience with recording in diferent genres such as rock, pop, brazilian music (MPB), blues, jazz, reggae and more.
Recent Successes
"Arturo was absolutely amazing. He mixed and mastered my single track giving it all the aspects I was looking for. His communication throughout the process was spot on and I could tell he really enjoys what he does...n..."
"If only there was a option to give “a million Stars”. Absolutely the greatest quality and immediate turnaround 🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥"
"Another great track finished with Nyk! He’s an unbelievable talent who we’ll be coming back to again and again. His soulful voice is filled with emotion and authenticity. He’s creative and has great instincts—ones tha..."
"My second work with Silke in a short period. She is incredibly emphatic and versatile, creative and talented, in both technical and compositive aspects. Professional and precise. T. O. P."
"I would like to say!! I have met sme quality musicians in my life time !! but to meet a unique guy like Mr. Chris Adams is just on a different level. As a Gospel Recording Artist I know without a doubt !! If you choos..."
"Great to work with. Transparent about the process and puts their most into taking your music to the next level."
"This was my second time working with Dmitry. I really like how he puts a lot of thought into his playing and works hard to create a bass part that suits the track. Highly skilled and a great communicator. Looking for..."
"Z IS THE BEST….EVER! A writing phenom. Nothing else to be said "
"Fred was a brilliant mastering engineer to work with. He is extremely quick, I sent my song to him one evening and I had the mastered version the next morning. Not only this, my team and I were blown away with how wel..."