Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with In 2020 I was inducted into the Indue Music Hall of Fame.
Grant is an American Roots singer/songwriter who produces original songs as well as songs for clients in Nashville, Texas and his own studio in Rhode Island. He produces for other artists, including many on SoundBetter. He can produce anything from a simple guitar/vocal demo to full scale productions in Americana, Folk, Pop and Rock.
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I've been a professional Digital Editor for more than 20 years and have had the great pleasure of working with some of the biggest rock and pop Artists in the industry.
I have produced & mixed my own band & a few other big name bands, my rates are fairly reasonable & I will work with any budget. HMU via Email here ---> Shredator550@gmail.com
My job is to be the game changer, or create and insert the sound of large productions in your project.
Work Until You Are Satisfied
I basically live in the Studio
I'm a music producer and mix engineer. I've professional experience working with independent artists, ad jingles, voice over, dubbing, recording speech with highest quality. I like to work in different genres with different styles.
I'm looking to expand working with other creatives.
I can record anything on the violin
Recent Successes
"Great work no matter the genre."
"Jenny worked with me on adding choir-like backing vocals to my song. She did all three vocal parts (tenor, alto and soprano). She did a wonderful job on it, and was very, very easy to work with!"
"Professional and very easy to work with. Definitely will come back again! Thanks Don!"
"Tyler was amazing to work with, fast at replying to me and fast at coming up with ideas. He took real care in delivering the vison I had for the track! Not only that, he put his flavor into the song which from my poin..."
"Cheshy overdelivered on my remake of "Maggot Brain" by Funkadelic! She did an amazing job where she really had to interpret and deliver. No fear here! Bravo!"
"A seamless experience. A top drawer master received. Thank you Andres. RHIC. "
"Max really lends a professional sound with an added analog warmth that is truly cool to hear on each track. He did a full EP for me and did a really awesome job of making it come to life"
"Another impeccable performance and, outstanding overall experience with Dani. The ease of which we are able to work with her is at another level. We've done six songs with here and we have so many more projects in the..."