Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ignasyo
Mixing and mastering engineer | Indie, pop
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I Am A Professional Musician, Singer, And Songwriter In Nashville TN. I Play And Write All Genres. I Am Passionate About Bringing My Client's Vision To Life.
I have been working with many talented people in the music industry and some well known artists as well. I have produced songs that has been on top 100 around Europe and have over 10M streams on Spotify in total. Everything I do is 100% original
The bass is the backbone of every track you hear. I like to take my experience as a mix engineer and producer to help craft the perfect sounding, but most importantly, feeling bass part possible.
Mixing engineer, keyboard player.
Mixing and mastering engineer | Indie, pop
Mastering service that is quick, quality, and affordable. Specialty in DIY artists.
✨ Unleash the True Brilliance of Your Music with Nathan's Mastering Touch! ✨ I'm Nathan, a passionate mastering engineer and a true audiophile at heart. My love for classic, good musical sound drives every project I undertake.
Dr. Jade Malay offers expert chiropractic and nursing care with a holistic approach with Personalized treatment plans to improve your health and well-being.
Recent Successes
"Yonni is super dope, and his mix/master is even better! So glad that I've returned to him for another track. Thank you!"
"Simms is a musical wizard and genius. He is super impressive every time. His vocals, melody and production are the best. Simms knows how to taken my lyrics and their story and musically innovate to sculpt and weave th..."
"David is simply the Best I can always count on him!!!! "
"RØDY has an incredible voice, a keen ear for melodies and a very endearing way with words. Her personality is very evident in her vocals and emotions quite clearly bleed onto the music. Very professional and prompt. "
"Dan is a wonder! So quick and so talented. His positive and can do attitude was a breath of fresh air for our team and yielded an absolutely beyond what we expected end result! I would not hesitate to work with him ag..."
"Max did great in his mix and drums for my songs. "
"I went with Dave because I wanted to work with someone at the top of the industry who I could rely upon. My track now sounds significantly better from my rough mix, and he was able to guide me with his years of experi..."
"I loved talking to John he’s very kind, down to earth, and outgoing. If you are looking for someone who helps you mix music and will help your vision come true he’s the person to go to. "
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