Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bazio
Mixing and mastering engineer | Indie, pop
Artist, songwriter, producer and mixing engineer working remotely from Australia specialising in forward thinking popular production. If you want to make commercially minded songs to fit on radio and global playlists, or even unique genre-pushing music to craft the sounds of tomorrow I can help get you there.
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Berklee trained, able provide high quality mixes, edits, and recordings with a fast turn around.
Hi my name is Leannoth. I’m an audio engineer who specializes in mixing and mastering. I have completed several projects that I am really blessed to be a part of, two of these project are: Parallel Lines by Lynda Szabo, video coming out on the full moon in march 2020 and my second project is called MADNESS by MailBoxx Music.
There's nothing better than building a meaningful relationship with my clients. Your finished product is priority! I love to get projects that have the basic ideas and build that project to a real song, as we are all on different paths you want that next best thing and I can provide that!! On-Demand, Communication is key, maintaining consistency
Music & Sound Design Production for Films, Advertising, TV, VideoGames & Branding
No Sausage factory approaches to crafting your music, not the type of professional where half the gig is just thrown to the assistant . I'm a published writer and musician, so I understand the work you've put into your music, so will do the same. Honour the Groove. Have worked on music for Mark Ronson, Portugal The Man, The Delta Riggs, Elliphant.
Dream Steps is an IT Company that specializes in Graphic Design, Web Design, Web Development, Mobile Application Development, and Digital Marketing.
My sound focuses on being able to deliver a round heavy sound to rock and deep sparkling sound to pop.
Musician / Designer and a long so on...
Recent Successes
"amazing vocal, couldn't be better!"
"Misunderstanding "
"Thank you for your excellent work, Lewis. You are very responsive and astute in your mixing. Another 5 ⭐️"
"This is my THIRD time working with Nate!!! Nate is not just an EXCELLENT PRODUCER, NOT JUST AN EXCELLENT ENGINEER, but he is also a GREAT MENTOR!!! From the start he has been GUIDING me through our projects! Thank you..."
"John did a fantastic job. The first mix we got back was nearly just as we wanted it, and he did an amazing job tailoring it to our preferences. Hope we get the chance to work with him again!"
"Justin rewrote my song exactly like I was hoping for!! I’ve got my own drinking song right now and I’m so happy about it! Can’t wait to work with him again!"
"I hired Elliot to master a rock song I recorded and he absolutely nailed it! I even had some special requests that he took care of with no problems at all. I was very impressed. Definitely recommend hiring. I hope to ..."
"I've worked with Brent a few times now. Can't say enough great things about the guy. Top notch mixes every time. Super easy to work with. He's just dope all around. "