Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Iglesia Vida
Mixing, mastering and recording engineer for 10+ years, I know the requierements for mood creativeness and how to apply the right process and mindset to that. I'm just new to the platform but I will link my work down bellow!
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More providers:
I offer music writing services for pop songs, electronic pop; music for films, video games, short films, long films
SUMINIHA RECORDS 01142532047 09711603597 The Complete Music Production House Music Recording Studio,Record Label
I am a musician, mixing engineer, and DJ that can make sounds from scratch or manipulate sounds to sound unique. My prices are so affordable and my goal is quality so you'll want to do more work with me. I promise that.
My name is Dougy Ahern. I'm a singer/songwriter (www.dougyahern.com) with a love for mixing.
Making Music
I’m a 17 year old singer who can learn lyrics and melodies extremely quickly, can improvise, and can perform and create complex harmonies. My range covers 4 octaves (E3-E7) and so I can also produce whistle notes easily.
1.000.000 -/+ Streams, Based in Utrecht, Netherlands. I Produce and mix/master EDM and Synth Pop. Music distributed on Sony Music and The Orchard.
Electronic Music Producer specialising in meticulously crafted, uplifting dance music, with a focus on precise and dynamic drum programming.
Recent Successes
"Arthur has given a perfect Mix&Master on my Jazz-Trio Project. A perfect balance between Jazzy-Sound and modern Mix! Thank you!!!!!"
"Amazing voice, amazing interpretation, very fast and professional!"
"It was really great to work with soulpacifica. Open and devoted to the project with intense energy and feeling for the song. Wauv. Good energy and a strong sensitivety. The song turned out to have layers I didnt..."
"Great producer and made sure it was the way I wanted it. I have many more projects that Quincy will be a part of. All I can say is go ahead and work with him and you’ll thank me later."
"Absolutely a pleasure to work with. Exactly the sound I was looking for. "
"Alex did a phenomenal job recording unique and quality drum layers that were perfectly in line with the vision we discussed ahead of time. He is super organized with file delivery as well, which helps working in a dif..."
"Working with Poe was a very positive experience! Poe is a unique and gifted singer who is also very professional, communicative and enthusiastic to work with. Thank you Poe, for bringing your special vocal gravita..."
"Quick, kind and professional :)"