Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ice on Fire
With over 40 years experience in the music industry I can bring quality and passion to your project
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I've been an audio engineer for 37 years. I've mixed thousands of bands.
R&B, EDM, Reggaeton, Trap, Pop, Alternative Rock,
a Miami producer looking to work with an upcoming artist.
My early goal was to get to a point where I could manifest the sounds and sonic characteristics that were in my head. I have come to a point through a lot of education and trial and error where I now feel able to do this consistently. Being able to help others achieve the same thing is tremendously satisfying.
Melody machine that can help you with song structure, write poetic lyrics, dance with you and laugh if need be. Rhythm guitarist mainly. Could add vocals to your songs as well. Let’s live and breathe that sweet sweet music.
I've been mixing and editing for live events and broadcast for over 20 years. I have a full software suite capable of any audio or video task. Whether it's mixing, mastering or simply editing. I have the tools and talent in order to produce great-sounding content. I'm good at communicating and love to collaborate.
Hello my next SUPERSTAR, my name is Laud, I've been a professional producer for about 8 years, in my personal project I accumulate over 500,000 views on digital platforms.
Ayo! I'm stain a latin producer & mixer
Recent Successes
"I am incredibly fortunate to have found Jordiii for this Job. Jordiii has a Great Voice that I find uniquely pleasing. He is a true Professional and was most amenable to all my requests and suggestions, and followed..."
"David always does a great job tuning vocals for me. My vocalist has a sometimes aggressive rock style which isn't always the easiest to tune, and his edits are always tasteful and transparent."
"Working with Jake is such a pleasure. He is such a talented mix/mastering engineer. It's so enjoyable to work with someone who works just as hard as I do, is communicative and transparent, and is just overall awesome! "
"Evan is an incredibly talented producer and a great guy who is easy to communicate with. He quickly figured out what needed to be added to our track to take it to the next level. Being an awesome musician, he gives re..."
"Filip has great skills and complied with all my wishes! The result came out great :-) Hope to work again in the future."
"Ethan's great to work with ! , he nailed some pretty specific parts and added great harmonies.. Super friendly and a Pro !! "
"I am a returning client by conviction. This time I had an acoustic folk pop number, and again Austin brought out the very best in the tracks. You can hear every detail, everything super musical, great stereo spectrum,..."
"Excellent drummer and musician. Excellent service and a joy to work with. "