Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tiendas KRACK
Dame una oportunidad y no te defraudaré. Nací para imaginar, crear y componer disfrutando con ello, es mi gran pasión desde los 12 años.
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Multi Platinum Producer Mixer
Hi, I am “V”, that is my nickname. I am a music / song producer. I can make music, jingle, catchy tune for your company / product, and most importantly, I like make songs. I also do video editing as a living.
Here comes the next level musex experience. Better put that calculator away and get access to a unique collection of musex by ZappX now. Simply more than music - musex! *oh yeah*
Hey, I am Alex. If you are looking for that new, modern sound in Hip Hop, R&B Or Pop...I'm your guy! Currently working on myself under artist name Alex Keston with over 68k streams. I can create your song from scratch or make background music for your vocals. Click the "Contact" button and let's Produce your project for lowest fee on the platform.
Simple. No Boundaries.
As a team of versatile and accomplished music producers and audio engineers, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional audio experiences & sonic precision tailored to your unique vision. With a deep passion for quality and a keen ear for detail, our team has honed our skills for over a decade, working with a diverse range of artists and genres.
Delta Rae, Culture Wars, Money Chicha, The Front Bottoms. 5 Years of experience as Recording / Mixing Engineer at Sonic Ranch.
I am a Music Producer and Sound Production graduate from Box Hill Institute, Melbourne looking to work with artists on their releases
Recent Successes
"Breana is the best you can get to write a hit song. Amazingly talented and such a positive person...it's a pleasure to work with."
"Leeza is very professional in her approach to writing lyrics and has the ability to deliver a top quality vocal. Thank you again Leeza . "
"Great sounding! wonderful Mixing for my Arrangment! "
"Kilaila is a perfect choice for haunting, ethereal vocals. Patient and always helpful, and willing to go the extra mile to get a track sounding just right. Will definitely work with her again!"
"Fantastic job!!"
"Krysta is the best! Seriously such a gifted songwriter and singer! I have worked with Krysta on 8 songs now, and every single one turned out amazing. Super professional, and her quality of work is fantastic! "
"Second project with Lydia. She is a true professional, gifted musician and an exceptional singer. Great partner. Highly recommend. "
"This was our third canvas project for Spotify with Martin and we loved his responsiveness to our needs and he always comes up with great ingenuity. You won't be disappointed with his work. "
"Rich took a very difficult track from a not very accurate singer and tuned it with multiple options. He did fine work for us and was very patient and professional in getting it done. Recommended!"