Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ice Breaker
track better, sound better.
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Angie has over 35 years in the recording and sound world from tracking and mixing to location recording and live sound; analog to digital. Angie owns Avocado Productions and works to make every project that of which she and the artist can be proud.
The goal is not perfection, but EXCELLENCE!
We Provide professional audio services at prices you can actually afford!!
Mixing is the Art of Listening
I'm cheap =)
Trap with Reggae, Hip Hop, RnB, Afrobeat, Slap House and Reggaeton Influences.
Session Vocalist, Songwriter, Recording Artist and Voice Impressionist.
Hip Hop and Singer Songwriter albums engineered and mixed.
Recent Successes
"I'm very happy, the vocals are just great. I highly recommend working with Summer!"
"The man is gold dust! 2nd single in the bag, and WOW. Talent, patience, a real feel for music, and EXPERIENCE. 100%. Thanks again Nico :-)"
"Very good and patient as usual. Recommended for everybody!"
"Thank you again for this really nice bass. You are really talented."
"Outstanding work from Skam! Really enjoyed working with him. Highly recommend!!!!"
"As usual, Elliot is patient and responsive with a no hassle guarantee. He tells it like it is and keeps going until the customer is satisfied and the music is at it's best. Used him several times before to master some..."
"I've always admired Reo's music, and working with him has been a pleasure. I'm very happy with the song we created together. He delivered exactly what I was hoping for. "
"As always Jordan is a pleasure to work with! He always knocks it out of the park! Definitely going to continue working with Jordan."