Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hoopa - Welcome EP
Hip hop producer, varied artist in instruments, open to being a session player for voices and piano. Trained ear, always open to new experiments, understanding at work,
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Aditya Chouhan is a Sound Designer, Mixing Engineer and Sound Editor living in Savannah, Georgia.
HYBRID ANALOG - DIGITAL PROFESSIONAL RECORDING STUDIO professional recording studio mixing and mastering studio rehearsal room music labs PRIME TIME STUDIO is a professional recording studio that mix up the most modern digital technologies's stability with the best and flavoured sound of analog historical technologies.
no hook - no life Minimal is not my style, i like melodies and hooks.
Recording, mixing and mastering engineer. Latin Grammy winner and nominated multiple times. I work with hybrid Analog / Digital processes with a recording and processing system that includes a 2-inch Studer A827 tape recorder integrated simultaneously with the C.L.A.S.P and Analog Peripherals.
I record drums and percussion parts and edit them for your song I also deal with orchestration, Midi editing and composition.
With over 150 million streams, I've mixed for Kota the Friend, Louyah, Limi, Jutes, Gervs, Shaker, JAG, and tons more over the 12 year's I've been in audio. I've got my Bachelor's degree in Audio Engineering, and have background in a very diverse amount of styles. If you want someone that will mix your stuff real nice and clean, I'm your guy!
Credits include Orlando Weeks, Chris Potter, Yazz Ahmed. I have composed, arranged, mixed, recorded within many genres. I studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.
Recent Successes
"He did such a great job, I recommend working with Darren, he’s a pro!"
"This was my second job with wes - my project was complex and hard to learn. but NOTHING is hard for this guy. he completed the job in 2 days! Wes is the best singer & best rapper on this platform period. hell, he i..."
"As always, very fast, efficient and great communication!"
"This guy right here has the magic to make anyone’s song be something special. He has done all my music and it’s on another level!"
"Wes is a very knowledgeable and accommodating engineer. He provided a master that elevated the track and took it to the next level in terms of fullness, clarity, and punchiness. I have never worked with an engineer th..."
"Great work and super fast turnaround time. Very easy to work with. I'm glad I went with Alex for my mastering!"
"Taylor has the golden voice that I was looking for. She did a wonderful job with the song. If I lived in the same city, I would offer to take her and 7 of her best friends out to lunch and order whatever they want! 🤪"
"Another fantastic collaboration! Jenny's contribution always turns out to be far better than what I imagined or hoped for, and that's invaluable."
"Ivy Marie can do it all! I'm always blown away by her ability to interpret the song and always exceed my expectations. 5 Stars and then some!"