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hidalgo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hidalgo
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Studied sound engineering in México and Spain. Been working as a freelance since 2003 for several studios in México, Spain and USA, including: Robert Lang Studios (Seattle, USA), Floating Point Studio (Guadalajara, MX), Estudios Montecristo (México DF), Equis Cosa (México DF), Kay´Nah (México DF), Fonomex (México DF), Eurosonic (Madrid, Spain), etc
SANDY GABRIEL National Music Award in the category of jazz, most important prize winner Caribbean as best concert of the year, sovereign Awards 2012 and nominated in 2015 as best artist featured on the outside. is the saxophonist Dominican jazz most prominent internationally, which has participated in various international jazz festival,
Hi, i am Kmi, hope you like Colombian music, cuz i can produce the music you want from the Colombian Tradicional Folk, The Afro Caribean Drums, The sounds from the Indigenous Flutes, The Voices of bullerengue, the Chonta Marimba from the deep Pacific Jungle, and the beatifull sounds of the Interior with the Tiple, Bandola, Arpa, Cuatro.
LA based composer, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer. As a percussionist, I specialize in African, Cuban and Brazilian drumming. I've lived in Togo & Ghana, West Africa, Habana & Matanzas, Cuba and Bahia, Brazil. I've played with Papa Ladji Camara, Mustapha Tetty Addy, Changuito, Giovanni Hidalgo, Los Papines and Afro Cuba.
I've had over twenty five years experience in the music industry as a performer and recording artist. I've collaborated with artists from diverse styles and genres of music, nationally and internationally. I'd like to offer my services as a vocalist, in whichever form required, as well co-operating with ideas/composing.
I try do it as good as I know. Firstly, always listen the music before recording. Music must be listened, it's an emocional energy. From there, we can work. Trust your ears: if it sounds good, that's fine. No rules. If you have to use +17 dB to get the sound you want, go ahead. The important thing is how it sounds, not what you did to achieve it. "
I specialize in composition, arrangements & mixing of orquestal music for videogames. Everything in my home studio and using the least amount of tools. Only knowledge.
Hi! I'm a profesional drummer & percussionist. He has worked for artists from major record labels such as Sony Music, Warner Music, or Universal Music and he has worked in the film and TV industry on soundtracks and series on platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime, recording drums and percussion for productions of great global impact.
Recent Successes
"Austin did a great job. Communication was easy and the result is just what we were looking for."
"Great voice, awesome lyricist, patient and easy to work with. Definitely deserves five stars!"
"Brent just completed the mixing and mastering of 5 songs for my new EP. Brent has done a phenomenal job. I recommend working with Brent. I will continue to do so on upcoming projects. His attention to details and crea..."
"Just great working with Bobby, beautiful voice, very emotional. Just listen to his song "Strong" and you will understand. Thank you Bobby and more to come in 2022."
"Without a doubt Adam really came through for me. He's helped me out on a ton of tunes and really is one of the best names in the game. If you want a quick turnaround time and a quality mix (or master) I would recommen..."
"Will is top notch. Second song with him and he wrote an absolute hit! Highly recommended! "
"Excellent! Paul was a complete pleasure to work with and understood our needs! He converted our vision into a reality even though the genre we produce was a real niche!! Would absolutely work with again, a true profes..."
"always very flexible and eager to help me get my song done! coming back to Angelo will always be an easy choice for me to make! "