Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Het Onderspit
Here to help you finish your music. Mixing engineer for bands, producers and TV- and film composers. Specialized in combining acoustic and electronic instruments.
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I write and produce my own music as well as work for production companies writing music for film.
The ability to reach a diverse audience of listeners through experience, creative wordplay and metaphors.
"We build better answers." - RAP Ferreira.
Sound Engineer, DJ, Educator
I'm a music producer and audio engineer born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've worked with many local artists as well as international ones. I produced, arranged and mixed music for various theatre plays that have toured the country. I'm currently working with top producers making music for Disney LATAM and HBO MAX upcoming TV series.
EDM | Progressive House | Future House | Released on Revealed Recordings and Sony Music Germany. I have worked on over hundreds of songs across the industry as far as co-production, melody writing, lyric writing, and much more engineering.
Producer, Mixing engineer and Keyboardist. Currently working for Carnival Entertainment.
Recent Successes
"Once again great work!!!"
"Fantastic work (as usual). A pleasure to work with. A+"
"David is a proactive musician with a lot of creativity and technique."
"Matt is a really kind guy! He is talented and very quick in writing Lyrics, I particularly appreciated his flexibility in terms of price and work. I'll probably do more projects with him, highly recommend to check him..."
"Zeff and I have been working on a very large project involving 22 compositions. As usual Zeff has delivered beyond my expecations. He plays piano with great precison and feeling. He has my highest recommendation."
"I wish I can play like Kerry! She is good and doesn't try to outshine the other instruments, finds the balance to make all instruments cohesive. I'd do another project with Kerry."
"WOW! I had so much fun working with Jaime. She's incredibly talented and helped bring my project to life. Her voice is NEXT LEVEL, and she's an absolutely pleasure to work with. Her excitement for the project was app..."