Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Helker
Keyboardist, Composer, Arranger, Producer, Mix and Mastering Services. A very wide experience of making Backing tracks. Official Kurzweil Artist since 2020.
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I have 17 years of experience interested in doing some studio work. I have recorded at the Blasting Room with Bill Stevenson in Colorado, at the Sonic Iguana in Lafayette, at the Popside in Ohio, and at several other smaller studios. I am excellent with a click track and I can learn new songs quickly.
I’m a NYC-based producer specializing in pop, electronic, and hip hop production. I’m also a mastering engineer. I deliver forward thinking, creative production to up and coming artists. I work closely with my clients to meet their every need and realize their vision for their project.
Published songwriter, signed artist, 15 years professional studio engineer, touring musician, songwriter, composer (including work for BBC). Specialise in vocal led alternative pop songs.
I have experience in both small home studios and established recording spaces, using a wide variety of analog and digital tools and techniques. This knowledge, combined with my training in musical instruments and theory, could be what you need to get the ball rolling on a project or to polish work that needs a little something extra.
SAE Amsterdam Graduate
Full-time Swedish-based songwriter with roots deep in the swedish songwriting-style. Worked with several artists/bands including writing songs for the french award-winning musical Dracula L'amour plus fort que la mort (Universal) and Swedish artist Elin Bell (Warner Music Sweden).
Toured with Booker T for 13 plus years.
If it's Hip Hop related, I can help.
Recent Successes
"Got my track in less then 12 hours and it’s crazy quality, clean mix, doesn’t get any better then tyree tbh, holla at this guy if you want professional sound 🐐💯"
"David has a great sound, is very creative, works fast and communicates professionally. He did a great job on an experimental track I was working on. His production contribution added important elements that brought th..."
"Jon has a voice that touches, no matter what you make him sing. He sings what you want, but also adds his own ideas. He fulfills his agreements and there are no surprises afterwards."
"Stephen is an incredible producer, extremely talanted and a great pleasure to work with. He took the time with a great attention to details and was able to bring the vision of my song to life in the best way possible...."
"Words cannot describe how unbelievably talented Sara is! She is an amazing vocalist and a truly extraordinary writer. Her professionalism and dynamic ability to work with other artist is so impressive. Cannot wait ..."
"Great working with Joe, he has a wonderful voice and is very keen on getting the best possible results."
"Amazing as usual !"
"Working with Christian was a delightful experience! Very professional, upfront, and quick! I was happy with the outcome. Really amazing job! Superb quality."
"Ben from Mahoma Records was great to work with. He was super patient, and easy to message with. And his playing and recording quality are top notch."