Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Helahoop
I am a finisher - people hire me to finish their musical vision. I worked with a lot of known artists in Austria and I want to support the Austrian Rap scene by offering my knowledge and experience, so starters don´t have to go through the same struggle I had to.
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10 years experience in designing sound and compose music for any kind of media with a background of a classical musician, always trying to keep a line between artistic and technical stuff to achieve the maximum result with punctuality and kindness.
Hello everyone, my name is Gushen Recordi
I'll do my best to bring your song to life with drum programming or a great mix that showcases your talent in the best way possible.
Quality Mixing and Mastering, delivered in a timely manner.
I'm an experienced Producer/Sound engineer from France. I've worked with a lot of independants artists in France such as Hooss, Lycan, Esken, Dellati, Oziris composing their music and helping them finding their sound. I'm used to work on differents styles of music shuch as Hip hop, Trap , Rnb , Pop
I can offer my unique, creative and melodious style of playing the guitar. Oriented towards progressive rock. I want to save speech.. My best presentation is in my music. Listen to my melodies and see if it is what you are looking for :-)
Experienced easy going session drummer with more than 40 years of live and session drumming.
Up-and-coming rapper and producer from Essex in the UK, known for having catchy hooks and unforgettable melodies!
Recent Successes
"Mike delivered exactly the sounds that I was looking for, and I really enjoyed working with him! His patience, professionalism, and attention to detail made him a great collaborator, and I hope to link with him again ..."
"Incredibly knowledgeable and exceeded my expectations. Fast, professional and great communication."
"Mella did a fantastic job on my first song with her! Professional, attentive, communicated in a timely fashion and really made the extra effort to nail the performance by asking the right questions and using her prof..."
"Kristian has done a tremendous job in turning raw material into a clean, crisp, powerful, pro mix. If that wasn't enough, he is very easy to work with, friendly, open to your ideas and wishes, and has a short turnaro..."
"Great communication, amazing quality work. Highly recommend for serious Artists."
"Just finished another job with Carlos, this time a vocal track. He listened to our feedback on the vocal processing and in the end delivered just the vocal sound we wanted. It's always great to work with him."
"Excellent drummer, just one take and I get the drums sound I want"
"Such a great experience working with João on another song. He is such a versatile guitar player and a very pleasant person to work with! Will be hiring him to record more songs. "
"Fantastic vocal. I want to work with him again next time. He knows exactly what I want."