Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex Damiani
Hi! I'm a pianist, Keyboardist, music producer and mixing engineer. I work with many musical genre.
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Hello! My name is Eber and I am a Music Producer/ Songwriter/ Mixer and Guitarist based out Tenerife ,Spain. Most of the work I have done has been related to my band EB- Eleven ( EB11) which can be heard on Spotify. After many years of writing mixing and producing music I decided to offer my services as such.
Enrich your music with superb horn-tracks! Arranged, recorded and mixed. Ready to import in any DAW.
We at F.I.E offer professional engineering to industry level for the lowest prices around as well as lease instrumental and sell full rights for a very reasonable price.
Producer, mix engineer, record label manager and performer with 20 years experience.
Releases with SMTC Underground,Balkan Connection,Stellar Fountain,Droid9
Berklee College of Music graduate of songwriting and music production utilizing Pro Tools. Doing session work for 8 years, I have learned to serve your song and not get in the way.
Mixed and Mastered over 500 songs in the last 5 years Professionally. 5 years of experience as a sound engineer I focus on Creative expression as an artist and engineer. A Computer Scientist who can Navigate any Digital workspace
Recent Successes
" great guy super caring about the consumer"
"Stevie is an incredible musician, he has it all and can play it all. Not only is he amazingly talented, but a great person to work with as well. He gives top notch performances. He's fast and articulate on what to cre..."
"Leandro was great to work with. Fantastic piano/keys player and good vibes. With articulate communication we got what the song was calling for. Will work with him again. Thanks Leandro!"
"Ziv is an amazing guitarist !"
"Kayley just completed vocals for a song we worked on together. She did an amazing job! Beautiful voice and expressive feeling. She was pleasant to work with, dependable, professional, etc. I hope I get the opportunity..."
"Once again, Gerard displayed professionalism and patience while working on a project for me. He turned my unpolished tracks that needed much help into a masterpiece. His expertise is second to none"
"I recently had the pleasure of working with NaGem on my latest track, and I couldn't be more impressed. NaGem's soulful and powerful voice truly brought the song to life, adding depth and emotion that resonated perfec..."
"After mixing and mastering an entire album of mine I this time worked with Ghian on a follow-up song I wrote and produced. As always Ghian took the entire production to a whole other level. I especially like Ghians di..."