Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hearts Open
Transform your song! Indie producer & mixer with 30+ million streams. Specializing in rock, pop, folk, singer songwriter, alternative, world & psych.
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My name is ThankGod. I produce,mix and masters music.
To be honest, any of my previous customers was "blown away" and told me that I "nailed it"... ...whatever that might mean ;-)
Want that Nashville flavor? I’d love to help you get your track to the next level with carefully crafted hooks, leads and rythms. Contact me if you want a quick turnaround workflow including revisions and clear artist-musician communication.
Melody catcher. Electronic Explorative Pop.
Every record has a soul. Our job is to find that soul and make it stand out.
Nashville based, Australian vocalist with experience in vocal arrangement, production and live BGVs.
I'm a seasoned mixing engineer and producer with 3 years of expertise in crafting sonic landscapes that elevate your music. Let's turn your sound into pure magic! 🎶 #MixingEngineer #AudioAlchemy 🎧🔊
If you want to hear your music professionally mixed for a fair price, I'm your guy. Mixes -$75 Mastering-$30, Editing-$40 I'm a 24 year old music lover and graduate of a four year accredited university with a degree in music technology. From studio internships, I learned how the pros help artists' creativity shine. I want to do the same for you.
Recent Successes
"Awesome Awesome Engineer! Made my song sound great and, my lady whom the song was for, loved the Master Piece! I would definitely recommend Brandon to my peers and newcomers he has an amazing ear."
"I had some very specific and multiple revision requests for Austin and he was extremely patient though it all. Great experience. "
"Molly provided great background vocals, providing many options and handled a couple of edits I had professionally and patiently. I highly recommended. And of course most importantly, she has a great voice!"
"Honestly, I wanted a laid back southern song, so sent him my files and what I received back Lynard Skynard would have been proud of. He upped the song to what I had originally heard in my head and even more. You don’t..."
"Fantastic work, Jenny! I love what you added to this project!!! 10/10"
"9th song with Brent. Satisfied every time and takes minimal revisions (if they are ever even needed) !!!"
"My #1 mix engineer for rock- carry on brother!! "
"I highly recommend song creators to connect with Roger Gamon and Louisa. They have transformed my original piece into a magical, wonderous, dream-like, loving song for all!!! It's a real joy to listen to what they hav..."