Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hearts Matter Ep
Looking for a House Mixing Engenieer or Producer that understands what works in a nigh club look no further. My latest project is Hearts Matter Ep for Dj Payroll. Here is a link to an interview about the project https://www.musicis4lovers.com/interview-dj-payroll-unveils-new-hearts-matter-release-on-his-good-house-keeping-records-label/
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Specializing in indie music, Mike Post is a producer, engineer, mixer and musician and owner of MooseCat Recording in Los Angeles. Provding a personal and in depth touch, Mike has credits as an engineer working with Local Natives, Alice Cooper, Robert Schwartzman/Rooney, The Wild Reeds, She & Him, The Blank Tapes, Avid Dancer, and more!
Leila Pari is a pop singer songwriter who's worked alongside Rx Songs, Indie Pop, Redlight, and ICM Partners this years and has gained over 2 million streams on her music.
I'm here to offer you quality reamping, editing, mixing and mastering. Hit me up for a discussion on how we can take your nusical vision to the level it deserves!
fine tuning mixes and transfer to master formats
Music expert and consultant. Songwriter & Artist +TV/Film music I'm a member of ASCAP and have worked with a Grammy Award winning producer. I've collaborated with artists, djs and producers in Africa, London and UK.
I use my ears and my love of music to elevate your production so that it sounds fantastic on every platform. My mission is to make sure you leave with a huge smile on your face and confidence that you have produced something amazing.
I provide professional vocals and harmonies with personality. I've got fifteen years of recording experience, and I sing a range of styles, from blues, folk, soul to rock and pop. I'm a perfectionist and I deeply respect my clients' integrity at the same time as I try my best to elevate everything I do to a higher level.
this is PLAYGROUND, a producer duo who works with a variety of major artists in Hong Kong. specialized in mixing, beat making and topline writing.
Recent Successes
"Finished another great song! Added the clarity I needed & I even learned a few things about mixing due to Fred, can't wait to work again!"
"A true professional and amazing talent. I’m glad we were able to connect on this project! "
"Matty took my mix to the next level and gave it that industry-standard sound. He was responsive, fast, and made sure I got exactly what I wanted from my song. I highly recommend! "
"Joe absolutely nailed the vocals I needed for my latest song. I had a vision of how I wanted the song to sound but he took it to a level I didn't know was possible! I am extremely happy with how everything turned out ..."
"Mariami is an amazing songwriter and vocalist. I loved the song that she wrote for my catalog. Her style is unique and contrasts really well with my music. I will definitively consider working with her again."
"James added levels to the professionalism of my track!"
"It was great working with camilo, nice guy and doing amazing Job! Really good skills , and he tried his best to change little details that made a significant change on my track 🙏 definitely looking forward to work wi..."
"Dimitri is an unbelievably amazing country guitarist - a hidden gem on here! A total pro - nothing short of a virtuoso with incredible musical intuition and clever use of amazing tones. Check out his samples online - ..."
"Aaron has been nothing short of amazing. He's been extremely helpful and patient with me and my production. He made my song not just louder but also more of that professional sound we all strive for. I highly recommend. "