Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Dj Payroll
Looking for a House Mixing Engenieer or Producer that understands what works in a nigh club look no further. My latest project is Hearts Matter Ep for Dj Payroll. Here is a link to an interview about the project https://www.musicis4lovers.com/interview-dj-payroll-unveils-new-hearts-matter-release-on-his-good-house-keeping-records-label/
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I do mixing and mastering for all genre though I love experimenting with urban sounds and contemporary hip hop.
Arranger of many formations. Premieres on Concertgebouw. National and International Tours.
Looking for a House Mixing Engenieer or Producer that understands what works in a nigh club look no further. My latest project is Hearts Matter Ep for Dj Payroll. Here is a link to an interview about the project https://www.musicis4lovers.com/interview-dj-payroll-unveils-new-hearts-matter-release-on-his-good-house-keeping-records-label/
Creative perfectionist, capable of producing a wide variety of genres, and mixing and mastering music.
Music Artist, Producer, Sound Engineer and Songwriter. My musical style primarily revolves around Pop and Dark Pop, although I always strive to exhibit versatility in my work, prioritizing the satisfaction of my clients compositional and mixing needs. I am now eager to extend my skills and expertise to anyone who may be interested.
As a beatmaker and producer, I focus on characterizing my sound on textures to make an unique sound, as a composer and lyricist I have enough ease to flow in different genres.
Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to unparalleled quality as we join forces to elevate your sound and make your vision a reality.
Recent Successes
"Everything was great! Thanks to Mr. Leeds for the sharp work! He was very attentive and did exactly what I needed! I'm working in music production for twelve years and never worked with some one abroad and that exp..."
"Mariami is super talented! She has a great voice and came up with amazing lyrics and melody. She is very professional and responds quickly. I recommend her 100%"
"Working with Griffin is always a pleasure--he was really receptive and helpful, had a great time working on this track with him! "
"Again: Great work and great pleasure to work with Rob !"
"Elijah is very professional, works fast, and produces great results. On top of all that he really takes the time to get your track how you want it. Can't wait to work with him again in the future!"
"Luigi always the best! Incredible guitars, he is super available and always delivering more than what you ask. I will buy more soon!"
"I've worked with Arturo several times now, and I always find him to be responsive, professional, patient...and most importantly makes great-sounding mixes! Looking forward to working with him again in the future. "
"I like all the work - and how we communicate - she record they way i need. Wow "