Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Harvey Fowler
Vibrancy. Music should never be black and white, it thrives on excitement and emotion. I want to bring out the colour in your tracks; paint a picture and tell a story. I've worked with Gabrielle Aplin and JP Cooper to do just this, and performed with Damon Albarn (Blur) and Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) to experience it on the stage. Let's make music!
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Hi, I'm Bradley Cousins. I am based in Essex, England. I have been producing, mixing and mastering for over 2 years. I am also the 2nd Founder of Tackle Records, a UK established record label releasing Electronic music. I studied Music Technology at college which assisted me in my area of work.
The real thing. Berklee College of Music "17 | DESA"12.
15 Years Experience in studio / live bass with top artists & producers all over the world!
Focused on your creative vision. Hi, I'm CJ!
Signing to one of the largest psy-trance label/Label , in 2019 I've signed a record deal with Brutish Heavy Music and released many remixes in 2020, Lot's of exclusive music coming up in 2021!
I have 20 years of experience playing in studios and live bands, and am proficient at drumming and singing, especially harmonies.
I Can Master Your track at a professional level for a low cost! I've been broke and studio time was always so hard to get! PLUS now with COVID 19 times are rough So i try to be fair and understanding with all my clients! I offer quick turnaround with 3 revisions. I also sell beats or will make a beat with your idea/sounds
Recent Successes
"Tiz was fantastic to work with, his passion for songwriting truly reflects the amazing song he wrote for me. His dedication, fast working was second to none - I would highly suggest Tiz! Cheers man, great to work wit..."
"This guys really knows what he’s doing, by far one of the best, he stays true to what you want as artist but adds his creativity which is exceptional. I highly recommend Kevin 💯"
"I contacted Olivia for her work as a lyricist and she delivered an excellent result. She understood very well the intention through the guidelines I had provided.She gave that smooth and smart touch that my song was m..."
"Omar did a great job again! Thanks!!!"
"KJ is amazing to work with, easy communication with high-quality delivery. A pleasure to work with such a talented person. "
"I am VERY happy with the master that Carlo did for me. He is highly responsive and a great communicator. He also provided great feedback as some things I needed to slightly adjust in my mix prior to him mastering. It ..."
"Once again a very good job mastering a piano piece!"
"Kyle is a freaking MACHINE! The guy can play everything and anything, and he just blows us away EVERY TIME! We've got nothing but great things to say about him as a person, and his services, and we can't wait to use h..."
"Prompt work and delivered as requested. Thanks Maurice. "