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Harrisburg Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello my is Odell Davis and I am a Professional Musician(Drummer), Recording and Mix Engineer.
I will give you a Professional sound for the best price. I have produced for various artists and have a lot of experience.
The missing piece to your project. That extra something. The chops plus the feels. Keyboards, guitars, and vocals played to order. Composition and orchestration services to bring your players together.
Creating in the undergrowth of the music industry.
Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist/Producer based in Los Angeles, California by way of Charlotte, NC. “North Carolina’s (and possibly one of the world’s), next great soul-rock bad boy.” - Vice's NOISEY. ✍🏽 COLORS Worldwide; R&B Only Tour w/ Erykah Badu, Miguel, Ty Dolla $ign, Kiana Lede, & MANY more.
I am an independent LA based professional record producer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and composer with my state-of-the-art studio. My credits include music on US Billboard Hot 100s, a Grammy-winning record, one of the largest viral music successes in history, music for Film and multiple Emmy nominated TV shows. Pls Google 'Clarence Jey'.
Hello,I'm a singer and launched my solo career with Deep House 'Find You', my own composition. I worked with national and international producers doing vocals and lyrics, House and Trance styles. I also have a band whose style is MPB Soul with influences from Pop Rock, Jazz, Blues and R&B. You can count on me for melacholic and disco-inspired vocal
Recent Successes
"Jay was fantastic to work with. I was impressed on how professional and genuine he is. I felt like he wanted to create a masterpiece to my liking. I will continue to work with him and get better on my end. "
"Thanks a lot Ziv for your work, you made the track really cool and can't wait to work with you again :) "
"Some musicians need a lot of direction and instruction and then there are a few that just get it, they get you. Cory is like a superstar athlete - you just hand him the ball and he's gonna run with it and score! He is..."
"As good as it gets! Alex is extremely easy to work with, and has high level skill in not only drum playing but overall song composition. His ideas all made the song better. Can't recommend enough"
"Elise is an amazing artist! She is very friendly, cooperative and really open to listen to your needs until you are 100% satisfied with the result. Smooth communication and super - fast turnaround! The quality of t..."